Chapter 44

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Jeongyeon POV

"Baby, come to my office will you? Yes yes. I already settle it with him. He's here. Come here faster. Okay, I wait. I love you." Mina said on the phone with Chaeyoung.

I was mad. Before this, I'm the one who she call 'baby' . Now, that bastard the one who she call that. Yes, I not really forgive what Mina done to me. I already have a big plan for them. I will not leet them happy especially Chaeyoung. I will destroy him like I promised.

"Sorry I late." Chaeyoung come in and peck Mina lips.

Mina just blushed and Chaeyoung just notice I'm here.

"Oh, sorry Jeongyeon. I-I forget you're here." He said.

"Nahh, Its okay. I'm okay. She yours. I really sorry for that time. My jealous caught me. no heart feeling bro. So, friend?" I asked and reach out my hand. But he hug me.

"Even she's not my girlfriend anymore, if you hurt her I still can kill you bro. Take care of her okay. I'm sorry again and thank you. So, I will go now. I have a lot of work because of you two." I said and went out. I peck for the window seeing them hugging each other. I clench my fist and walk away.

Chaeyoung POV

"So, it is okay between you and Jeongyeon?" I asked while hugging her.

"Yes baby. I'm glad he fine. You're correct. That time he just angry. Now, lets show them that you're mine." She said and kiss me.

Again, every time we kissing its start with casual but its getting deeper. Like we never get enough to each other.

"Wow, I can't get enough with you. What are you doing to me baby?" She said.

"Hahah. Me too. So, do you have any appointment today? I got lunch meeting. But, I can cancel it if you want." I said.

"No. I have lunch meeting to at Hotel ***. You?" She mumbles.

"Me too. We can got together." I said.

Now, we currently in the car on the way to our meeting. Yes, our secretary with us. Basically, both of them knew about our relationship. We arrived at the hotel and we separated. Before I can walk away, Mina grab my hand and give me a deep kiss.

"Don't you dare to flirting with your secretary." Mina whisper and glance at me.

I gulp and smile showing my dimple. "Yes boss. Don't worry princess. I'm always yours." I salute and wink to her then turn and walk.

"So I guess everything okay with you and her?" Nayeon asked.

"Yes. Everything okay. Thank you." I said.

Nayeon POV

Now I currently in the car same as Mina. I can see Mina and Chaeyoung being sweet to each other. Truth is, I'm jealous. But, I can't do anything. I want Chaeyoung happy but its hurt seeing he happy without me. Before, Mina take Jeongyeon from me. Now, its Chaeyoung. Maybe I on debt to Mina in life before. But I still thinking about Jeongyeon. He never said anything to me. He act like nothing happen. I wonder what it he plan.

"So I guess everything fine with you and her?" I asked Chaeyoung.

"Yes. Everything okay. Thank you." He said and smile.

"How about Jeongyeon then? Can he accept it? How he's reaction?" I asked again.

"He's fine I guess. Mina already talk to him. And he also already apologise to me. So, I guess we're in go term right now." He explain to me.

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