Chapter 5

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Mina POV

Its been a week I get married to Chaeyoung. No one know I already married. Beside who closed with me. I really hate Chaeyoung. He always annoying me.

"Could you please stop smiling. You look like an idiot. But I'm not complain because you're an idiot." I said annoying to Chaeyoung.

"I'm sorry. I just like to smile. Especially to you. If you don't like it. I try to reduce to smiling." He said.

"Whatever. Today I'm going to start work at my dad company. So, remember. I'm your boss and don't you dare to talk to me in office. I never know you. You're just an employee to me." I said firmly.

"Yes mam." Chaeyoung answer.

Just by hearing his voice, I feel annoying. How supposed I face him everyday. At office and home. My god, I think I'm gonna be crazy.

No one POV

Mina arrived at office. Everyone was stunned by Mina beauty. Mina walk arrogantly to her parents office. Her parent greet Mina by hug.

"Finally our princess agree to work for me. I felt so happy. Thank you sweetie. So, what make you finally agree to work here?" Mr. Hayuto asked her daughter.

"Why are you asking me that question dad? Are you not happy I finally work here? I just finally realise I should help you dad. I realise I should gain for my allowance." Mina calmly said.

Little he know, she work here because she wants observe someone. She never trust that person in her dad company. More over, her dad trust him so much. So, she feel insecure.

"Thank god. Finally our daughter realise. Now, I can take it slow and rest. I have my daughter and son in-law to help me. Maybe I should quit working and hand it to you guys? Haa, we can go honeymoon everyday Sakura." Mr.Hayuto said to his wife and daughter.

Mrs.Myoui just laugh at Mr.Myoui statement. Mina shake her head and said "No dad. You should not quit yet. I'm not start work yet and you already wants me to take your responsibility. Its not fair. Besides, why should you hand it to Chaeyoung as well? After I'm comfortable and skilled I will take over your company and handle it by myself. I don't need his help."

Mr.Myoui just shake his head. He know Mina still hate about the marriage. But he believe Chaeyoung can win his daughter heart and he trust Chaeyoung can help Mina with his company. He know about Chaeyoung.

"Alright sweetie. Now, let me show your office." Mr.Myoui said.

Mina POV

Wtf. I can manage our company by myself. I don't need Chaeyoung help. He is no one to this company. He just get this position because of this stupid marriage. Argh, I really hate to talk about he.

"Alright sweetie. Now, let me show your office." Dad said.

We walk to my office. Dad introduce me to our employee. I make cold face to them. I wants them respect and keep distance between them. As we stood in front my office, Chaeyoung came and introduce himself. He held out his hand, but I ignore him. He just smile. I really want to ripe his smile for his face. Dad just shake his head.

He know we hide our relationship. At first he protest, but after Chaeyoung said he's the one wants to hide because he don't want everyone talk about him. Then dad agree. Wow, he trust Chaeyoung more than me. That's why I don't trust Chaeyoung with company.

"So, what are you doing here? Are you supposed go work? I'm not paying you guys to stand there doing nothing. Now go!" I said to my employee.

"Mina, calm down. I not teach you to be rude like that sweetie." Dad whisper to me.

"But dad, i just state the truth." I whisper back.

"Alright guys, go to work now. Let's being productive." Chaeyoung spoke cheerfully.

"Did you just mock at me? And why are you still doing here?" I asked angrily.

"Oh no mam. That's how I speak with other people. I'm sorry if you think I'm mocking you. I'm here because Mr.Myoui ask me to guide you and help you with everything related to company." He said.

"No. I don't need your help. I can do it by myself. So, you can shoo." I said.

I went in to my office. My table full of files. Oh man, first day already like this. I can imagine how my everyday like this. I get my phone and call Jeongyeon. I miss him already.

"Hello baby. I miss you. I just start work at dad company. I just can't trust that man. But I miss you. How I wish u here baby. At least, you can be my vitamin in this stress shit." I said.

"Hello my dear. I miss you too. If you start working, then you you will became more busy. No more time for me. Jeongyeongie feel sad." Jeongyeon cutely said.

"Aww my baby. I will always make time for you. Don't worry. But, how about you work here to. So, I can see you." I said.

"That's great idea baby. How about you talk to your dad about this. I know you can do it. Then I can see you at office. Besides, I also need a job. Maybe you can help with it?" He asked.

"I will try talk to my dad about this. I will do anything for you baby. So, how ....." before I finish my word, dad and Chaeyounh come in my office. I hang up the phone.

"Yes dad, what can I help you?" I asked.

"Sweetie, why don't you give Chaeyoung help you?" Dad asked me back.

I glare at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung just look down don't even dare to look at me.

"No dad. I can do it. If I need help, then I will let he to help. And you Chaeyoung, how dare you tell this to dad? Are you wants dad mad at me?" I whisper to Chaeyoung.

"I didn't tell to dad. I mean Mr.Myoui. He came to my office and asked me why I'm not at your office. Before I speak up, he grab me here." Chaeyoung said.

I coldly look at he. Dad whisper something to Chaeyoung and walk away. Chaeyoung just stay still in front of me.

"Why are you here? Go to your office. I don't want to see your face!" I scream.

"I'm sorry Mina, your dad told me to stay here. I'm just doing what my boss told." He speak.

"I'm your boss too. Arghh. Stupid. Then, help with this." I throw few file to him.

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