Chapter 59

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Chaeyoung POV

I can see Jeongyeon signal one of his man to bring something. As he walk in, he hand in baseball bat to Jeongyeon. They hold my leg and Jeongyeon hit my leg hard. I can hear the sound of broken bones. I screamed in pain.

"That's you reward for being clever Chaeyoung." He said.

I still groan in pain. "Y-you.. al-rea-dy had me. Please le-t them go." I said.

"Hahahha. You never learn. I told you, they are here because of you!" He said.

"Ple-ase." I begging for him.

"I want your father to taste how to lose someone he love. Its he fault because not believe on his own son. Hahah. As for Myoui, he choose you to be his son in-law but not me. Nayeon? She just my toy. I told her to seduce you but, she fall in love with you. She even betray me for you. At first I want to let her go, but she decide to against me. I know she goes to see your parent to told about me. But, lucky for me. You parent was stupid enough not believe her. You know, I have taste she enough. I think my man can taste her too. Right? Then I can give her to you." He said laughing.

"You bastard. Don't touch her!!" I yell angry to him.

"Hahhaha. You know, she beg me to stop but I can't. Wait, I think I should sell her to prostitution. Wait until she give a birth to my baby." He still laughing.

"Fuck you Jeongyeon!!! I will kill you." I yell.

He just laugh and keep beat me. I feel so hopeless right now hearing he talk about Nayeon. I really feel angry but I can't do anything. I almost faint but one of his man splash water on me to keep me wake up.

"You know, I finally found my love. Myoui Mina. At first I saw her, she already make my life upside down. I want to protect her. I want to be with her. I want her to be mine. I want to stop everything for her. I just want to be normal. But, her stupid dad doesn't like me because me being orphan. I tried everything to make he like me. But, he doesn't even look at me. He don't even meet me but he already reject me. Until I heard about your stupid arrangement married. Your father ruin everything." He said angrily.

"At first I didn't care about you. Because for me you just a someone I can destroy easily. But, everyone keep compare me and you. I even notice, Mina began to fall in love with you. That's why I plan with Nayeon. But, that stupid girl destroy my plan. So, I have to do another plan to destroy you." He add.

"But, she choose you. From the start she choose you." I said sadly.

"Yes, at first she choose me. But, she still giving her body to you. I waited for long. But, she decide to give it to you. But I don't care. What's suppose be mine will be mine. So, I investigate about you and that time I knew about your relationship with Son. That's give me an advantage. Because I knew how Mina hate liar. Then, Nayeon being pregnant. Its also an advantage for me." He said.

"Yes, its me who doing all this. But, that's not my fault they don't believe you. They believe a stranger than you. Hahahah." He said.

"I thought its over. But again, you destroy my plan. I knew Nayeon told you everything, that's why I should kill her. Your dad and your father in-law also already knew about me. Because you told them. Again, I have to kill them. And Mina. I suppose living happily with her, but she also decide to against me. So, I will taste her first then, I will kill her. Its all because of you. So, you should blame yourself for what happen to them." He said laughing at me.

"You animal. Bastard. If you hurt them I will kill you. I swear." I yell.

Then, he whisper something to his man and they went out. They return back and bring all of people I looking for. I can see they was crying. I can see Mina worried face.

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