Chapter 35

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Mina POV

Its almost two months I decide to make a thing slow down with Jeongyeon. We only seeing each other 1 or 2 times a week. Truly, I miss him. I can see he not in a good term after I say to take it slow.

"But baby, when will you guys divorce? We can't do this forever you know?" He mumbled asking me the question that I don't know to answer.

"Be patience baby. I know what I'm doing." I said.

"So baby, this Friday can I have my time with you. Please. I rarely beg. But, can you make your time for me?" He said.

"Hmm. Okay baby. We going to have our time that day. But, I can't hang out till night. I have something to do." I said remember my date with Chaeyoung.

Friday 24th march. I go to office alone because Chaeyoung have something to do. As I arrive at office everyone greet me. As usual, jasmine flower always there in my table. I put it in vase and sneeze it. Its really make me calm. I wonder how long Jeongyeon will keep doing this. I once ask him about this, he didn't answer it directly but he showing a signal it was him. So, I pretty sure it Jeongyeon was the one who sending this. But I don't know why sometime my heart didn't feel like it was him. Today, there is notes.

- In Yunani, jasmine or yasmin meaning is 'gift from god'  which you're truly gift from a god for someone like me.
Jasmine also is a symbol of beauty, purity, innocent and good luck. It is, because you're beauty in your way, innocent and purity is your other side that no one will understand but only people around you, and I wish you good luck for entirely your life. 
But, most important. Jasmine is a symbol of affection. Its show my feeling toward you. How you're special and important to me. And how I want to make you mine. I love you MYoui MINA.
Happy Birthday. -

I smiling reading the notes. He really know how to make me blush. Oh my, I love this. Then, I continue to do my work. Right now, I having lunch with my parent. They wants to celebrate my birthday. That's why they treat me a lunch at this restaurant. I glad my parent did this. I miss them so much. But I have been so busy lately and didn't have chance to visit them. Then as I arrived at my office, Jeongyeon already inside waiting for me. He kiss me on lips. I reciprocate and pull away as both of us lack of air. Our forehead attached to each other.

"I love you Mina. Happy birthday." He softly said and again lean in capture my lips.

"Hmm. I miss you. So, lets go." He said.

"But I still have a meeting after this." I replied.

"I already ask Yuna your schedule. She said you meeting was cancel. So, lets go. Its our time." He said and grab my thing and bag. He lead the way to hid car. He take me to theme park. We always enjoy our self here before. Its make me remember when our first time date. We enjoying each other company and forget the time. Now, we heading to his place. We order a food and cuddle watching movie. This is the usual thing we do when each other birthday. We cuddling until we fell asleep. I woke up at 4am. I searching for my phone then I suddenly remember I forgot I was charging my battery before going lunch with my parent then I just went out with Jeongyeon.

I smile seeing Jeongyeon sleep peaceful beside me. With his mouth slightly open. He looks like Chaeyoung. Then, it hits me. I forgot about Chaeyoung. I forgot about our date dinner. I wake Jeongyeon and tell him I'm going home. He just smile and continue sleep. But there's something between his smile. I drive back home. As I arrived, I see Chaeyoung was sitting at the couch. He just stay statue sitting on the couch. I walk toward him.

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