Chapter 31

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-Note : have harassing scene, rape, 🔞. I'm sorry if this scene make you uncomfortable. Please free to skip if you're not comfortable but I remind you this scene is part of the plot.-

No One POV

At the same time Mina called Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon see Chaeyoung rushed get out to go somewhere. He wonder where is Chaeyoung going but shrug it off.  He decide go to Nayeon place after this. Mina doesn't want to hang out. So, he want to see Nayeon. He want to release his stress and frustration.   

Nayeon POV

After Chaeyoung go back to office I been thinking about his word. Its really hits me hard. No one have told that to me. No even Jeongyeon. I feel so ashamed with Chaeyoung. I was thinking to stop Jeongyeon plan. Then, my doorbell rings. I open and see drunked Jeongyeon stood in front of my door. Without greeting, Jeongyeon kept kissing my lips roughly. I tried to push him but he much stronger than me. He push me on the couch and keep kissing me. He start rubbed my breast roughly and I moan through his action. He didn't wait and enter his tongue explore my mouth. His hand find his way to my core and pressed its hard. I try to stop moan but failed. I keep moan toward his action. Then, he pull away and start to unbutton his shirt. He wants to continue but I push him hard.

"No Jeongyeon. I don't have a mood right now." I said.

But he didn't listen to my word and keep kissing me roughly. His mouth went to my ear and lick it.

"Please bunny. I need you right now. I'm stress. I having fight with Mina. I need to you. I want to feel you, taste you." He whisper.

Then I snap. He just want to use me again. Chaeyoung word then replay in my mind and ears.


"You should respect yourself first, than people will respect you. I know what are you doing. But, I don't want that Nayeon. I respect you so much. For me, woman is like a diamond. It should be hard to get, because its worth it. Only the right and worthy people can get it. So, be that diamond."  Chaeyoun said softly to me. I crying hard after hearing. No one ever tell me that. I'm a diamond.

"I'm sorry. I will be that diamond. For you. Thank you Chaeyoung. Hmm, Chaeyoung. I like you. I really like you. No, I think I love you. Don't think I'm being joked. But, I understand if you don't like me." I said.

I really do like him already. A month being near and being his pa make me feeling something to him. He treat me with respect. He treat me nice and never treat me as his employee. He also treat people good and respect. Even I make a move, he never take advantage. Something I on purpose wear revealing clothes to get his attention. But, as always he will tell me this and reject me.

"Nayeon, be a diamond for yourself. Not for someone. The right one will find you. I'm sorry. I like you, but as af friend. I love you, but also as a friend. I'm sorry. I already give my heart to someone." Chaeyoung said.

End of flashback

"No Jeongyeon. I'm not your toys. Chaeyoung was right. I should respect myself." I raised my voice to him. He just chuckle.

"Do you fall in love with him already? Do you think he will love you? Do you look at yourself bunny? Yes, you are my toys." He said.

He slapped me and pushed me on the couch. He tore my shirt showing my bra. He kissed me rough and rudely. He unbuttoned his pants and released his dick. He pulled on my pants and roughly he inserts his dick into my hole. I screamed in pain and keep hit his chest. I'm crying so hard. He ignorant my scream and pain. He keep thrust his dick and then he pulled out his dick and cum on me. I was crying hard and hugging my knee. He laugh at me.

"You think Chaeyoung will love you? Hahahah. I already tasted you hundred time. Your hole is mine. You're my toys." He said and laugh hard.

"I HATE YOU YOO JEONGYEON." I scream at him.

"Hahahah. If you told anyone about this or if you plan to destroy my plan, I will spread you video. Yes, I have your video making sex with me. A lot. Haahahahha." He said showing the video.

I feel like I was struck by lightning when he showed me the video. I sobbed thinking about my fate. Why I'm was fall in love with man like this. He is not Jeongyeon I knew, he is a monster. I hit his chest repeatedly not believe what he done. I was fool for trusted him. I was idiot. Now, how should I face Chaeyoung. How can I face the world. I not more than prostitute. And how can I love Chayeoung.

"Remember. You should listen to me. If I told you to do something, you should do it. Understand!!" He said and get out from my house. I crying so hard. I hate myself. I hate Yoo Jeongyeon.

Mina POV

I really don't want to let go of Chaeyoung. I like cuddle with him. His warm feel so perfect to me.

"Hmm. I still want to cuddle with you. I don't want go to office. Last night was the best sleeper I have ever after so long. Lets stay here today." I whining.

"Hey princess. We have a company to run. Beside, we have a meeting with Jeongyeon and the board today. So, wake up and get ready. I will prepare a breakfast for us." He said.

As he mention Jeongyeon name I shocked. I really forget about him. I feel guilty but not regret. I loosen my grip on Chaeyoung. I can see Chaeyoung face change. I can see sadness in his eyes. Seeing him like this make me sad, guilty and worried. He quickly get out from my room.

We arrive at office and straight go to meeting room. The board want to have this meeting to discus about Mr.John contract. I can see Chaeyoung worried but he stay calm. They  decide to let Jeongyeon handle MrJohn project. I want to protest but Chaeyoung stop me. He said its the best for him. He don't want to deal with Mr.John and he said Jeongyeon will doing a good job. The meeting end well

"I'm sorry Chaeyoung. I can't do anything." Jeongyeon said.

"Its okay bro. I know you can do better than me. Beside, I don't want to deal with that useless man." Chaeyoung replied pat Jeongyeon shoulder and walk away.

"Yes baby. I got a big project again. Looks like I becoming one of your dad trusted person. So, want to celebrate with me? I miss you. Miss to cuddle with you." He whisper to me three last word.

"Hmm. I will think about it. I will go to dad office." I said and walk away.

I enter dad office without knocking. He seem shocked with me.

"Hey sweetie. I know you mad at me about Mr.John. But I can't do anything. The board think he is important to our company. Beside, the deal and contract he has with us, didn't involve his dirty business." Dad said before I could ask.

"But dad. He rude at me. And if you do still continue your contract why don't Chaeyoung handle it? Its Chaeyoung project right?" I said.

"Yes it is. But after what happen, I can't let him to handle it. So, I pass it to Jeongyeon. He also do a great job. And I believe him." Dad replied.

I just sighed. I don't know what to say. I feel sad and sorry for Chaeyoung. But, I don't know. I should be happy for Jeongyeon. But I just didn't feel it. What happen to me. Do I feel guilty and sorry to Chaeyoung or I feel love? No. I can't be love right? I don't love him. Its just a sympathy.

"I love Jeongyeon. I love Jeongyeon." I keep saying that word like a spell.

"I must keep myself distance from Chaeyoung. Again. But, I can't resist him anymore. Arghh. What should I do? No no. I think I just like him as a friend. Yes, friend can cuddle sometimes. That's it. Its just a friend. I like him as a friend." I said ti myself.

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