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I brought the first aid kid from the shelf that I saw and start cleaning Changmin’s wound and the dry blood. His last word keeps lingering in my mind. I’ve never thought about this before but suddenly it interest me. I want to know about him. Learn about him and how he came to be like this.

He hissed when I space out and clean his cut too harshly.

“Sorry”, I mumble and continue applying ointment and felt Changmin staring at my face the whole time. As much as I tried ignoring him it was starting to bother me.

“How did you get beat up?”, I ask quietly and he instantly look away. He looks like he wanted to avoid yet knew the question was coming up. He clear his throat and his eyes shaken.

“I was drunk so I don’t even know who I’m fighting with”

I sigh. I know he is lying but I didn’t want to push him either. His eyes averted back on me and I gulp. Suddenly I feel my throat getting dry. When did he have so much effect in me?

“Are you not mad at me anymore?”, I say and close the ointment with the cap.

“Mad? At you? I would never be mad at you. I was mad at myself Y/N. You did nothing wrong. It was all my fault”

I put the first aid kid box on the table next to the couch and sit next to him again. Changmin took my hand and play with them while not uttering a single word to each other. It was miraculously a peaceful silence.

“You…you can have friends if you want”

I look at him in shock. Am I hearing it wrong? Why so suddenly after all these times?

“I realize it was stupid of me to do everything I did to you. I’m sorry”

He didn’t say another thing and stand up before quietly leaving to his room. I didn’t dare say a word back afraid that he might change his mind again so I just stare at his back. Who in the world possess his mind?

Feeling the incomplete happiness, I walk to my next class with Changmin walking at the back of me. Usually he would walk next to me but since that night, he seems rather distant which I didn’t mind at all but it was troubling me a little bit.

He didn’t do anything even when I was talking to our classmates, he only watches me and then turn another way. His eyes are blank, just like the night he ran away from home.

Realising that he was true to his word, the freedom and happiness slowly engulf back in me.

Does this really means I’m free to talk to anyone again? Have friends again? My heartbeat quickened and excitement fills inside me as I smile.

I could finally talk to Kevin.


The day we have extra class came faster than I expected. I am sickeningly nervous because I haven't tried befriending anyone eversince I was stucked with Changmin's pathetic rules.

Just as I thought, Kevin was in his seat already, next to mine. I gulp and release the biggest sigh before entering and taking the seat trying not to alarm him of my appearance.


I guess my plan didnt work so I turn towards him and return his smile. I can do this. I have to do this.

"You're early Kevin", my voice was small at first but it slowly adjust itself as I found myself having a conversation with him until the teacher arrived a few minutes later.

"What will you draw for your final point project?", Kevin suddenly ask me while we were all busy drawing something in front of us.

"Huh?", I was lost. Final point project? I didn't even know there was such thing. Now that he asked me, what will I draw? I need to raise my GPA for all the grades that I lost.

"Dont worry too much. I will help you"

That was all enough for me to throw away all of my doubts. Just Kevin's assuring voice was all I needed.

Am I starting to fall too deeply for him?

Besieged - Ji ChangminNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ