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Waking up and finding out that you get in to your dream University, isn't that what people who is most passionate for studying would die for?

I screamed and jumped around with my mother and sisters. My father looking at us from the distance with pure admiration and happiness. I knew he wanted to join the hug but he was being a man and fold his arms. But a smile never leaving his.

Yes I got accepted into my dream University, with full scholarship. My family wasn't the poorest, but I did good enough in my entrance exam and thus earned the scholarship. I was so proud of myself more than ever at my hardwork finally getting paid.

But which also means I would have to move to Seoul alone. Living by myself at age 19 is not so tough anymore. I was confident in myself that I can be happy, independent and would live the best years of my life.

Week later I arrived at Seoul and registered myself in the University. It was so big and even the playground was huge enough to have olympics. Maybe I'm exaggerating but it really was big enough.

I rented an apartment a few blocks away and went home to rest. I close my eyes after laying down on the couch.

"Will there be good people to befriend? Will there be hot guys? Will I find myself a boyfriend?"

I giggled at my own thought and kick the air, laughing and teasing myself. I was so excited that I could touch the sky.

I found myself grocery shopping in the afternoon and went to the nearest convenient store. Everything was so beautiful and developed than back at my village. People were so pretty and dressed nicely that made me doubt my own dress.

I decided I should go clothes shopping the next day and went home. Since its Seoul, people will dressed nicely so I had to live up to the standard as well.

I was excited and careless. Even when we started the first day of the University, I greeted everyone on my way earning a confuse look from them. Please, I was just being polite if you didnt realize yet people.

That first day in University, nothing happened. No friends, no boys, no studying. Just us assembling for the rules of what to do and what not to do.

Nothing caught my eyes and nothing stood out to me. Maybe my expectations was too high.

But two pairs of eyes definitely caught something and that something was me.

His name is Ji Changmin, a guy in my class. He was pretty cute but his action speaks otherwise. He have that evil look in his eyes glaring at anyone on the way and bumping into the poor kids without apologizing. How rude but I didnt say anything.

But, as much as I tried staying invisible and unknown, he never leave me alone. He is not normal, he is a psychopath. He said I am his and claimed me.

And that was how everyone started to get away from me.

A year had passed since the day I entered the University and nothing serious happened for the time being except Changmin and him flirting.

I thought he would get over his obsession after a year if I didnt do anything or didnt show him a reaction, but boy was I so wrong.

I realize I just opened the gate to my sufferings.

Besieged - Ji ChangminWhere stories live. Discover now