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Changmin sent me home after I gave up. It was too much for me and the darkness was suffocating me. He gave me kisses on the face and told me to sleep well but how could I? My mind is filled with thoughts of how I get into this mess, his mess.

It has been about a month since we start the classes and I was so happy to get into my desired University. The students were so nice and kind to me that I slowly started to adapt with the environment.

Also I felt strange to suddenly gets love confession every once in a while. I didn’t know the campus was full of flirts and I just joke around as well not wanting to get into a relationship that fast.

“Boys are so weird”, I complained and my friends laugh before nudging my sides.

“They’re just attracted to you, you should be grateful. Look at us, one month and still no boys hitting on us. We look pathetic okay?”

They laughed and I joined them. I didn’t know why any boys doesn’t hit them up when they weren’t bad looking themselves though. I was assured they were just lying to me about it and eye them suspiciously.

To be honest, I don’t like talking about boys and relationship all the times. Ofcourse it would be nice if I find my prince charming as well since I’m aging.

That day, on the last class we had a very boring subject. Half of the class were sleeping while half of us tries to not fall asleep. The professor in anger call me out and I walk up hesitantly.

“Since none of you pay attention to me, I will let your favorite classmate here teach you guys instead”

I didn’t want to do it but I didn’t want to make him more furious either so I said something whatever comes to my mind and soon later I was interrupted by a boy slamming his table.

“Can you stop? You’re bothering my sleep!”, he didn’t even look up and everyone became quiet, even the professor.

“Excuse me! I didn’t want to do this either okay?”, I talk back and he look up with the most bored face I’ve ever seen which was followed by a smirk.

The day ended and I was met with a letter on my locker after I went to the library to return my books and see everyone eyeing me weirdly.

When I tried talking to my friends who were walking together, they just turn another way before ignoring me completely. I hesitantly open the letter and frown.

Hello pretty face ;)
I don't like how you talk back to me today.
But since it was the first time, I'd let it go but don't let your guards down.
You will obey me everyday from now


My hope of meeting my Prince Charming was crushed that day and I was instead met with my Prince Devil. Everytime he said he would punish me, he never did anything.

But I would also noticed that at least one of my 'used to be friends' came to class the next day with bruises and everytime I'd try to ask them, they'd ran away from me. I didn't want to think it as a coincidence but everything slowly started to come together to me.

He never said he was going to hurt me. He never said that the punishment would be taken out on me. I realize as I sleep in my bed with my eyes wide open that Changmin has indeed been punishing me the whole times.

He never hurt me nor touch me physically but I know now that he was aiming for my head instead. He was trying to mentally break me down and without me realising it, he has succeeded all these times because I always get back to him on my knees.

Besieged - Ji ChangminWhere stories live. Discover now