17. Denial.

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This chapter also deals with the previous day before Sejin meets Dreamer to inform her about the deal.

Yoongi yawned as he tried to come up with a solution to the problem his heart was facing. Afterall, Min Yoongi known for his savage replies or maybe someone who would find hugs too cringeworthy was finally on an adventure that involved something else... which was beyond his imagination.

Even Yoongi had no idea what was he aiming for. Just like how SUGA wants something and he gets it, this time too, he wanted to impress Dreamer. But he wasn't sure why. He had no idea. Well, he had to sought some help from his hyungs.

"Do you think it'll be safe revealing your identity to Dreamer? I mean she isn't someone we know and she might disclose about it..." RM asked concerned as he fidgeted with his fingers.

The hyung line was sitting in Yoongi's studio discussing about the offer SUGA had proposed to Dreamer. At first, they were taken aback to find Yoongi, their very own Yoongi, behaving like that but as the chaos subsided, they all decided to come up with a plan.

"Hmm..." jhope thought for a moment and said "Well...you do have a point Namjoon.. it seems difficult."

But then Hope saw SUGA's face which made him change his mind. He patted Yoongi's shoulder and said " ... but its not impossible."

Yoongi was delighted but tried to suppress his emotions as usual.

'No wonder Hobi is our sunshine.' he thought.

"I'll make her sign an NDA. A non disclosure agreement." Yoongi suggested.

"Yes you can do that." Rapmon said.

"So call Manager Sejin?" jhope said.

"Wae? Manager Sejin is already going through a lot of pressure because of our schedule..." Jin complained.

"Anni... I am sure he will help." RM replied.

"Well... as you say." Jin can never go against RM.

He dialed Kim Sejin's number.

"Yeoboseyo? Manager Sejin?" He paused and continued. "Nae nae. Can you come meet us in Yoongi's studio? ...Nae nae."
Jin hung up.

"He will be here in ten minutes."

Yoongi spun around towards his set-up without saying anything.

"Yah! Yoongi-ya! Turn back to us and tell us more!" Jin shouted.

Yoongi turned back.

"Mwo?" Yoongi asked lazily.

"Tell us about her hyung." jhope said, excitement pretty clear in his voice.

"What about her?"

"Aish this man!" Jin squealed and continued "Yah! Yah! Yoongi-ya... you don't know anything about her that you can tell us?"

"Okay okay... I know some things..."
Yoongi was flustered.

"Like what?" The others asked in unison.

"So she is tall and very confident looking. Her eyes sparkle with the ...mmm...this fire and passion."

Yoongi smiled and continued "You can look at her and say that she is passionate about her work. Very professional. She seems outspoken and fun-loving..."

"Unlike you." Jin scoffed.

Namjoon and Hoseok pursed their lips suppressing their laugh.

"I heard you hyung!"

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