Chapter 18

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After a few days Sirius was aloud out of the hospital wing. He hand a bandage round his shoulder and chest.

Sirius and Remus wouldn't talk to each other they were being stubborn to each other. It was the secound day after he was aloud out the hospital wing. He was getting dressed for classed and struggling. He winced as he tried to put his shirt on his heart arm and sighed he couldn't do it by himself.

Then he felt someone take his arm. Pull it back softly so he could easily put it through the sleave of his shirt. After he did that he turned only to see the back of Remus head walking away.

It was breakfast the 4 boys and lily sat. Remus and sirius were in silence. Many people were looking at sirius confused why he was hurt then a 1st year Hufflepuff boy came over and said "Um Escuse me some of my friends were wondering what happened?" Sirius sighed and said "F off". The boy was shocked and ran off. "Sirius that wasn't ni- " Remus began quietly then sirius cut in and said "You can f off too". And with that he swung his back onto his shoulder and strolled out.

It was still awhile until there charms class started so sirius went outside it was quiet and windy. He sat on a bench and then realised it was the same one they had given his gifts to him on his birthday last year. He sobbed. He hated fighting with Remus but he was being so stubborn. He wiped away his tears and started walking to charms.

Lily sat next to him in charms and noticed his puffy eyes "It'll be OK sirius" she whispered. "Class last year I taught you the accio charm but now we will try do it without wands. Place your wand on your desk and try summon it" squeaked up the charms proffesor.

Everyone placed there wands down infront of them and started saying accio wand most only wiggled but did not move "Can you try this Mr black" said the proffesor. Sirius sighed and tried, he had so much rushing through his brain in a secound it all zoomed to that task "Accio wand" he said and about 30 wands zoomed towards him and he caught it in his grasp. "That was very powerful Mr Black, 10 points to Grythindoor " the proffesor said and smiled. Sirius gave everyone there wands back but he wouldn't look at remus.

Things became irattating between the two boys. Then one night sirius couldn't take it any more it had been tee night of remus transformation. Sirius hadn't come. But he had stayed awake and all the boys came back and fell into there beds.

Sirius couldn't fight the urge, he walked over to remus bed and kissed the top of his head. With that remus took his wrist, and pulled him weakly onto the bed. Neither smiled but got comfort from this. Sirius stroked the top of remus head. Remus, hated that sirius hadn't come it felt like that we're growing apart, remus was scared that sirius would soon see Remus as Remus saw himself a monster.

In the morning it was like that moment never happened. Remus awoke feeling ill, and seeing no sirius in his bed anymore he sighed and fell back asleep.

The day went by slowly. It was the day with the most conversation by far and then sirius realised that his and remus argument was affecting the mauradaurs. Damn it!

The next day came and sirius bulked up the courage to apologise to Remus "Moony, um hey look I'm sorry we argued I'm sorry I was wrong maybe I do care to much or something and I'm sorry I told you to f off" sirius said shyly. Remus looked at him and smiled "I'm sorry too Pads, I was being childish I just didnt want to lose you" Remus said. They smiled at each other and hugged "Um, Moony you know like my shoulders flesh isn'tfully there to that hurts" sirius said in jokingly tone while he winced. "Oh sorry, I didnt mean to, is it ok" Remus said pulling away from the hug. Sirius laughed.

Now the group was finally back to normal- ish. They laughed and joked around again it seemed normal, but now studying was used alot now it was there OWLs this year so the homework had tripled. But having the two smartest students as there freinds lily and remus they were going to do great they hoped.

It was a nice night the sky was stary. Peter was asleep upstairs in his bed. James and lily had fallen asleep cuddled toghther on a chair. Sirius had grabbed a blanket with his better arm and put it over them. It was around 1am now it was only Remus and sirius awake they were finishing off work so they didn't have any more to do over the weekend. Remus had just packed away his things all done when sirius finnaly finished scribbling down notes. He packed his stuff away and then looked at remus he was staring into the fire in deep thought. Sirius took his hand. "Come on moony, you look tired" he said and remus nodded.

They got to the bedroom is seemed quiet except from Peter snores. Sirius sat on his bed and pulled remus next to him. "How your chest doing" remus asked quietly. "Better" sirius said. Remus sighed "Your probaly going to have scars" he said. Sirius chuckled "I think scars as cool" he said and he stroked the scars on Remus face and then booped his nose. Remus blushed. He kissed sirius cheek, he'd become very attractive to more then just remus, now girls would try and flirt with him. Remus didn't want to lose Sirius. At all.

Sirius chuckled and then kissed remus on the lips passionatly there lips melted toghther, then soon they feel asleep cuddled together.

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