Chapter 13

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Remus had turned back into himself again. James and Peter did to but sirius knew he was alot stronger in his dog form at the moment so he stayed in it. They walked along the long underground path. James was laughing that padfoot had came. Sirius wagged his tail in happiness then turned around. James and Peter had been helping remus walk and remus walked clumsily but also annoyed. Sirius could tell him being there annoyed him in a way. He barked. No reply. He barked again. "Pads" James said quietly. But he had stopped infront of them. He barked at remus again wanting him to reply. Nothing.

For the first time ever sirius gave up. He snook being the boys and lowered his head occasionally (accidently) letting out a whine or a whimper. Until he felt his dog stomach sear the same thing that had happened in Divination was happeing to him again. The poison was still there. He whined loudly but the boys thought it was just sirius wanting remus attention again. Sirius legs couldn't support him he fell with a thump the boys turned. Sirius in his dog form lay shaking on his back foam had evolved out of his mouth. "PADFOOT! " Peter said running to sirius leaving James to help remus walk.

Sirius dog eyes were blank and in a split second they blinked and he stood up in his dog form and pretended like nothing happened he swayed a bit but then ran away. "Sirius! " James yelped. But he was gone.

Sirius got to the hospital wing turned back, he had foam over his mouth but wiped it away. He got into the hospital pajamas and lay in the bed. His cheeks still felt weird but then he felt the sear again. It would probaly come and go he thought and then he felt like his arms and legs were burning. He began scratching them repeatedly and as hard as he could but it still itched BAD. He scratched them until until he realised he had scratched away flesh and blood oozed out of him. He stood up and swayed. Blood trickled down his legs an arms to the floor. And then he swayed again and this time fell hitting his head on the cold metal railing of the bed.

Sirius awoke. Madam Wilson was staring at him shocked. "What-T happend my dear-r" she said. 'I started having that feeling agakn when I first fainted I had this searing pain in my stomach then foam came out but also after my arms and legs itched like hell, I scratched them until I noticed I made them bleed' he scribbled down quickly. Madam Wilsons eyes widened as she read it and she stood up and strode over, she placed her hand on his forehead and then nearly jumped. "You feel like your on fire. " she shouted she conjured a glass of water and a weird potion in the air and then gave it to sirius then she hurried off.

She arrived now with Proffesor Dumberdore and mcgonagall they all looked worried. "Mr black we thought the poison had already done its worse but we were wrong, St mungos would be suitable, but I know your feeling about that place. If it happens again we'll have to transfer you there" he said and sirius nodded. "Mr Black will need rest he had a concussion when I found him" madam Wilson said and kindly got them out leaving sirius alone again.

Many time he heard James and Peter trying to sneak in but every time Madam Wilson dismissed them telling  them sirius needed rest. He only saw them at night when they snuck in. "Hey, what the hell happened" james whispered in the dark. Sirius pointed to the pad. James took it and read it and so did Peter over his shoulder.

"Merlin" James said. Sirius weakly picked up the cotheres reveling his still bloody arms and legs. "Moony, tried to come" peter whispered. That made sirius smile a bit. Then he wrote down on the pad. 'Remus may not be able to come to me but I'll come to him'. James smiled and with that sirius turned into a dog it would be easier for the journey.

The three boys had gotten into the common room sirius changed into a human again and put on his pj james had brought for him. He went up the stairs his legs and arms still a bit bloody then he went into the dorm.  Then heard a weak whisper say "James, peter is sirius OK, he's not OK is he oh merlin damn it I just had to of been upset yesteray" Remus had blurted head a little raised seeing silhouettes only.

Sirius walked forward and then came next to remus who looked at him and said "Padfoot, you shouldn't be here" he whispered. Sirius let out a silent laugh. James and Peter got into bed knowing where they weren't needed. Sirius kissed the top of remus head and then remus smiled. Moony, took sirius hand then let out a gasp when he saw the bloody stains on his arms. "Your arms" he whispered. James sat up who had obviously been listening into there conversation and told him everything. Remus eyes weakly widened. But sirius just smiled softly stroking remus hair. It had reached 4am when sirius finnaly left. He turned into his animagus form went back to the hospital wing turned back and then got into bed. Things were goi ng OK until....

Sirus woke at 8am to shadows of trees  dancing on his face. "Ah Mr Black proffesor Dumberdore has agreed to let you have your meals in the great hall but you must come back here afterwards so i-" Madam Wilson began but then sirius heart felt like itt was going to explode the poison was doing something. Foam exploded out both his mouth and noze. Then blood oused out. What the hell was happening?

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