Chapter 30

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Sirius was alone. The silence of the room crept around him. He did not lay in bed but paced around. Would the trace work? Sirius sighed he went and sat on Remus bed and pulled Remus cotheres to his nose. Breathing in the smell of chocolate and tea he sighed. He was scared.

James, Peter and lily had not seen remus for a while but it seemed like it had been days but there was no way of telling the time in the dark room, all they could do is comfort each other and cling on to that bit of hope.

"Lyall Lupins, son last time I saw you, you were about 4, now its time for you to embrace your werewolf nature" Fenir gereyback laughed. He was in the basement looking at remus. After he had not obeyed bellatrix commands they had tortured him he lay his bleeding head against the wall. He was sitting in the corner unable to move, he felt so ill.

"I don't see why we don't just kill him, he's Sirius boyfreind" regulus said pacing around. "We could, but wouldn't the best revenge be getting the werewolf boy to join the dark lord". Remus spat bloodvon the floor floor disgusted "I would rather die then join that evil fool" remus said.

Bellatrix went at him, he was lifted of the ground, his legs dangled as he helplessly wriggled midiar, losing oxygen. "How dare you, you were right, let's kill him AVADA-"

Bang and Remus fell to the ground. He heard the words "Stupefy! " and 2 loud pops. He looked up and saw two feet in his face. Then they moved. He sat up shaking. A unconscious Bellatrix was being helped held buy two men. A man with short ginger hair helped him up "You ok son" he said. And remus nodded. "Were are the others" the man said. "There's stairs down there" Remus pointed and the men went down.

A couple minutes later, the men returned, James, carrying lily, lily looked weak and blood still cothered here arms, but she was awake. Peter came with them too. All 4 or them were dehydrated and underfed. "St mungos for them, you two she needs to go to the ministry, and then she'll be on a trip to askaban" the main with ginger hair said and with that James and remus took the arms of one man and peter of another and then they appareted to St mungos.

"That's great, there OK right, when are they back" sirius said quickly. Mcgonagall had just told him the excellent news that his freinds were safe. "They will be fine, Mr. Potter and pettigrew will be arriving back any moment now, but Mr lupin and Ms Evans had to stay at St mungos a bit longer, but they will be fine I assure you" and with that she turned and left.

Sirius felt a swoop in his stomach. What had happened to Remus and lily. Why were they in there longer. He walked around outside all things fluttering in his mind of what could of happened. Bellatrix had been caught and sent to AZKABAN, but had she done something bad to remus or lily before she was taken away. The thoughts haunted him.

"Sirius? " a voice called. Sirius head went up. There they were. James and Peter walking in. Sirius ran to them. "Oh my merlin, your safe, you look ill, but your fine, maybe your not, are you ok, lily and remus what happened, there realy hurt, its my fault isn't it, im the reason, ohh no there dead" sirius babbled and James laughed. "You spent too much time with my Mom you sound like her, there going to be OK Sirius, nothing is your fault " James said. Sirius let out a sigh.

The boys caught up. Sirius though did leave out a couple details of what he did when they were taken away, like how he cried, slept in remus bed as it comforted him and that he bearly ate, thinking of the fact they were being underfed. Wow he felt like a mom for a minute.

"We never got told what happened to remus, lily though she got it harsh" Peter said. Sirius face scrunched up. Secound day of those too being back and many people were asking them waht happened, James story changing every minute. They were in the dorm. Sirius sat on the floor, thinking. James and Peter were playing wizards chess and at the exact same moment the door opened James had flipped the board over yelling "THIS IS SO HARD". "You realy don't have any patience do you" Lily muttered. James looked at her. She wore bandage on her arms and a plaster on her face. She smiled when James ran up to her and hugged her. He began to kiss her "Get a room" peter groaned.

Sirius had been watching smiling when he noticed lurking by the door, Remus. Sirius looked at him, he had a bandaged head and his neck was bruised. At this point lily and James had tottered off downstairs still kissing, it was pretty late at night and peter had went downstairs too.

Sirius ran up to remus, hugging him. "Your ok right, anything hurt, I'm not hugging you to tight am I " he said and Remus laughed. "Well you know, my neck hurts and I think your the only one who can fix that " Remus winked. Sirius laughed a bit and started kissing Remus neck softly. "Better" he whispered. "Well my lips hurt a bit too" Remus smiled and then Sirius kissed his lips. It was going to be ok sirius new as he breathed in Remus scent.

Sirius felt like remus was fragile right now, he lightly stroked his face and remus smiled there lips touching. Remus suddenly pulled Sirius closer so there lips were fully toghther and they kissed. Things were back. Lily and James. Remus and sirius. Peter. All of them toghther again.

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