Chapter 5

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Dumblerdore was wating for sirius there. They went from infront of the great hall to hogsmeade. From there they ride there brooms to London. They got to a small telephone box and went in it. A lady's voice said after Dumberdore had prested a number "What is your business in the ministry of magic? " Dumbledore said "We are here for a meeting with cornelous fudge head of magical law enforcement". "OK have a nice day" the voice sang and then sirius felt the telephone box lower then he felt a thump and they'd hit the ground. The door swung open and they both stepped out. They could say many people bustling about mostly leaving to do with the fact is had reached 5:30 pm. Dumberdore strode to a staircase and went down they entered a dark chamber like hallway and Dumberdore turned to his left and knocked on a door. "Come in" called a voice from inside. Dumberdore opened the door and they both walked in.

"Ahh Albus I got your message it great to see you and why have you come " cornelious fudge asked shaking his old freinds hand. "Yes, well for starters I would like you to meet Sirius black" he said standing aside. "Well nice to meet you Mr Black but Dumberdore what is this all about". "Well I will let Mr Black explain. "

"So Mr fudge, It was my first week into the summer holidays and me and my father had got into a row about some muggle posters I had in my room, were all purebloods you see, and well he hit me with his cane and I retaliated and punched him, I ran to my room and about ten minutes later he came in I thought he was going to have a few punched at me but he had his wand raise and he-" sirius gulped "-he used the crutartis curse on me and kicked me out " sirius nearly whispered. The thought still hurt him."Merlins beard, son what's your father's name? " fudge said. "Orion black, sir". "Well, I  will get some auroras to get your father and bring him here, we will see his side and if the events don't add up vertiserum will be have to be used, can you two be in court room 3 at 9 o'clock tommorow morning" fudge asked and Dumberdore nodded.

They both left the ministry and Dumberdore bought them both separate rooms at the leaky cauldron. There was were sirius got an owl from James asking him what had happened. Sirius responded with:

Dear James, remus and Peter,
Mcgonnagal had been sent back all the letters she sent to my parents about me misbehaving, so she soon found out why and what had happened over the summer, I was told to tell Dumberdore too and I did then me and Dumberdore went to the ministry, we told someone called fudge and he is getting aurors to get my dad were at the leaky cauldron now, in the morning the hearing I'll tell you all what happens.


Sirius sighed he hoped that by tommorow evening it would all be over the next day he'd be turning 15 in two days time and didn't want to spend it trying to put he's father in prison.

The hearing had arrived. Sirius had walked in and was told to sit in a chair, he sat in it and then recited what had happened to everyone there. Then he went and sat down on a bench. Then came striding in was sirius father. He did not show any fear at all. He sat in the chair. "Black, Orion, what do you plead towards you doing the act of the crutiatus curse on your son" fudge said. "Not guilty" he said firmly. Sirius insides flipped. "OK what do you say happened then." fudge began. "My son run away from home". Fudge sighed "Me crouch please could you get the vertiserum" fudge said. A man about 30 rushed out for a minute then back in he passed it to a man. Who walked over and gave it to Orion. "Orion Black, what happened 2nd of August this year with you and your son" fudge said. And out of Orions mouth came the same thing as sirius had said but in his perspective. "Well, Mr Black you will now be escorted to askaban" fudge barked. This was when orion got scared he was being forced away when he suddenly snatched a wand from a nearby wizards pocket. It was too late for him already but he wouldn't leave without giving his son pain. He cried "crucio" at the turned back of sirius it his him and in that smae second the wand was pulled out of Orion hand. Sirius fell to the ground and wriggled in pain it felt like he was being stabbed all over his body. When he stopped wriggling had finally stopped about 10 minutes later he sat up from the floor. Everyone was staring at him his father had already been escorted out. Sirius face was as pale as a sheet he was giving a glass of water which he drank with a shaking hand. "Proff-fesor Dumberdoree can we- we go back t-to hog-a-warts now-w" sirius said shaking in pain. "Sirius, not right now your not OK. " Dumberdore said.

Sirius had been taken back to the leaky cauldron. He spent the most of the day in bed feeling ill. It was 5pm when he got up and packed his bag he came downstairs and found Dumberdore drinking some tea. "S-sir can we go back to how-warts now" sirius said a little less shaky. "Are you sure your up to the journey" Dumberdore asked. And sirius nodded. The next thing he knew he was on his broom shaking a bit and feeling like hell but he was going back to hogwarts his home. He smiled as it came into view, finally back.

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