Chapter 22

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Dumblerdore didn't say it but the boys knew he was going to say dead. Remus took the burden to his shoulders he felt like if he was strong enough, if he fought back. Sirius would still be there. But he hadn't. He hadn't and at this very moment sirius could be getting hurt.

Sirius was suprise he was still kept alive. He didn't know how many times he'd had the crucio spell on him but it hurt. His head sweated, he had blood trikiling down his head. He could feel laughter around him. Suddenly the body binding curse was undone he fell to the floor to weak to get up. Sirius couldn't bear it anymore "kill me" he whispered. "No sirius, were not going to do that just yet" he heard voldemorts voice. "Crucio" he shouted. Sirius felt the same pain across him again. "Get up" voldemort said jokingly and kicked sirius in the head. Sirius couldn't so he did it again and again each time sirius begging him to kill him.

The ministry were alerted and on the search they were using the trace. They located him after 6 hours in a place not to far from the leaky cauldron. Many auroras appareted around the area. If they were correct the uprising dark wizard was there.

Sirius felt blood dribble down his head. "come on you want to, kill me" he whispered. Regulus let out a sneer. And then voldemort nodded and all three of them Regulus, bellatrix and voldemort used the crucio charm on sirius laughing. Sirius felt the most pain he ever felt. He writhed on the floor for minutes and then the pain overwhelmed him he closed his eyes become unconscious.

The auroras came down into the place  they had located sirius and had a glympse off, Voldemort, bellatrix and Regulus before they saw them and appareted. "Shakelbolt, the boy and mad-eye secure the area" barked a arour at to men around the ages of 30.

Shakelbolt went over to Sirius and picked him up. "We need to apparate to St mungos as soon as possible, the boys dying" Shakelbolt said. Then the man called mad-eye came back into the room "The place is clear they've vanished" he said. The lead auror barked "Back to the ministry, Shakelbolt you head back after you get the boy to St mungos". And with that everyone aparated. Sirius appareted unconscious in kingsley shaklebolts arms.

Kingsley, was spotted easily when he popped up in the middle of the hospital. A nurse came over and said "Oh my, come with me" and with that they ran to a empty hospital room while kingsley explained what had happened. "My god the dark Lord did this himeself I'm surprised the boys alive, thank you " she said. And with that Kingsley nodded and then appareted on the spot.

Dumberdore was informed that sirius was found and brought to St mungos. He was on the verge of death but the staff of St mungos helped him. Dumberdore was pleased he told Mcgonagall to inform Mr. Potter, lupin, pettigrew and Ms Evans that there freind had been found.

Everyone was half happy. Happy there freind was alive but the fact that he nearly died scared them. Sirius must be in so much pain they thought. Remus cried alot, as he blamed himself so much.

Sirius awoke, he was so scared, couldn't they just kill him now. He then looked around and realised he was no longer in the room as before. He half expected that the door would open and his brother, master and cousin would walk in. Then the door opened he jumped so much that he fell of the bed. He tried to move to hide in the corner until he saw a nurse "Your ok now, there not here your safe" she said reassuring him. He tried to get up but couldn't. She helped him. "You were brought here by an auror they found you in a room, do you remember the room" she asked and he nodded. "That's good, you need to get rest. We've fixed that head of yours" she said and pointed at his head and he nodded. He layed down. He was in so much agony he felt like he was going to throw up or something and soon he fell asleep.

Sirius awoke the next day it was night he'd slept alot. He still felt weak but he wanted to get back to school soon, was remus ok was all he could think about. Then he heard whispers "Dumberdore sent a owl here and to asked when sirius would be back but he'd been told someone had to come here to get that information" said the all to familiar voice of Minerva mcgonagall. "Mr. Blacks current state could mean he should stay in here for a week or two he's in no fit condition-" a nurse began but then sirius walked over using the wall to lean on "I think I could go back soon" he said weakly. The two lady got a bit startled but the new person to the conversation. "Mr. Black you should be resting" the nurse said. He chuckled "I've just slept for around 24 hours strait I don't need any more rest, It would be better if I went back to hogwarts" Sirius said.

The nurse and Mcgonagall had about a 5 minute argument until the nurse gave in. Sirius was to stay in his dorm bed for a few days and not leave it. She signed his realise papers. And with that sirius got up. He still had the same blood cothered close as before on. Mcgonagall took sirius arm. He shook a bit. But then they apparated landing in hogsmeade.

They walk toghether Sirius tripping many times and not being able to stand in a strait line but in the end he got there hogwarts. Mcgonagall walked him up to the portrait hole were she waved him off. He was back.

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