Chapter 6

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It was 7:00pm on a Friday when sirius finnaly got up the stairs and into the common room. He got many stares he did not look normal, he usely always wore a grin and looked full of life but now he was as pale as a sheet still sweat cothered and his expression only showed pain. He walked into his dorm and tripped over something he fell on his face but still didn't stand up, he ached all over maybe if he just went to sleep here it will be better. "Sirus? " said the voice of Peter confused. He lifted his head weakly and saw Peter, James and remus coming over to him. "Hey, g-guyss" he said weakly. "Merlins beard, are you ok" said James. But sirius didn't reply. "Sirius? " "Hmm what, ohh damn it I fell asleep didn't I, could some one help me up " he said dryly. All three of them helped him up and into his bed. He told them that his father was sent to askaban but had used crucio on him just before he left. "God, sirius are you realy sure your ok" remus said concerned. But sirius had already fallen asleep again.

James sighed quietly "I hope he's more awake tommorow this he's gonna love birthday suprise we got him ". Then they all started decorating the common room.

Sirius awoke, he still felt ill. But he got up. The dorm was empty he checked his watch 10:00 breakfast would of been over. Then he realised the dorm was decorated with red and gold pieces of fabric and a banner was up there saying 'Happy birthday sirius' he smiled weakly and got dressed.

He went down the stairs to the common room it was empty were was everyone. He sighed and went down the stairs and then he started seeing people and soon he noticed he was getting way to many glances he ran to the bathroom and saw he had blood on his face from when he had fallen yesterday in the common room he washed it off and sighed. He had looked worse he thought. He went out the bathroom. He saw Lily evans and serverus Snape. "Hey have you seen james" he called but lily shook her head and carried waked away. Where the hell were they? But before he could carry on walking he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He turned and saw Regulus looking fuming. "Reg, I gues-" but at that moment he felt Regulus hand collide with his face it hurt. His eyes watered. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT, TO YOUR OWN FATHER " he shouted. "Regulus, I had to tell i-" but Regulus had already hit his again this time harder causing him to topple down some stairs and hit his head. "Happy Birthday brother" he sneered and walk away.

Sirius ran up to his dorm and face planted his face into his bed. He sobbed quietly. When he stopped he wiped away his tears. It wasn't even the pain that made him hurt it was the fact Regulus hit him. They were never that close but they would never hit each other. He walked down the stairs again. And then out of the common room and into the cold outside. It was only a week until people went home for the holidays and a thin layer of snow had appeared. Sirius had sat down on a stone bench,when he felt the pain in his head he touched it and drew his fingers back and saw blood. He sighed.

"Ahh there you are sirius" said remus who had appeared from behind wrapping his arm around sirius shoulder. James and Peter with him too. "Happy birthday mate" James said. "Thanks " he said cheerfully. "OK Remus now do the spell" james said excited. Remus nodded and said "Accio, presents" they all sat there james and peter jumping up and down in there seats.Then there heard shouts and giggles and from mcgonagall "WHERE THE HELL DID THOSE COME FROM" they never heard Mcgonagall say hell and laughed, then about 4 presents arrived and fell down on sirius lap. "Open them" Peter said still bouncing up and down.

Sirius got a broom maintance kit from James and a zonko prank kit. From Peter he got loads of sweets. And from Remus he got a Book on quiditch tactics and in a page was signed by sirius favroutite team. Sirius smiled at them all he and James had just got into the quiditch team this year and all these presents made him happy.

They were walking back inside when Mcgonagall spotted him. "Mr Black, Dumberdore would like to see you in his office" she said. He sighed and said "Can you bring these up to the common room for me ill be there soon" he said. They nodded and sirius turned this was the one point were remus took his arm of sirius and on his cream jacket he saw blood and he realised sirius was hurt.

Sirius arrived in Dumberdore office,he smiled at him. "Sit sirius and have a sherbet lemon or two if you want" Dumbedore said. "Well the reason I have asked you here is to talk to you about were your going to go in summer, your mother has refused to take you back so I was looking at muggle orphanages then I realised you may be a bit to much trouble for muggles" he joked and sirius smiled. "And we'll then I started, asking wizarding family if they'd take you in and I found you one and I think you'll like them".

Ten minutes later Sirius was flying out of Dumberdore office in joy he raced to the dorm were he saw them remus looked concerned "Sirius we know your hurt, there was blood on my jacket". "Ohh yeah regulus hit me  and I fell down some stairs I'm fine, sorry about your jacket". "Um sirius are you trying to kill me" James said. Sirius had been hugging him. "Oh sorry but, the thing is I got a new family to live with a wizarding one and the ones that took me in are your parents! " sirius said jumping up and down on james bed.

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