Chapter 21

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During the next month sirius felt more accepted into the potters. He got letters from the freinds at school saying how they missed him and then finnaly it had just been Halloween when Dumberdore wrote for him asking that he returned. There had been no sight of regulus and they didn't think they would see him again.

Sirius told the potter and then packed his trunk. The next day he went to platform 9 and 3/4 and was waved away by the potters. It was good to be going back.

After a month of sirius not being there moony had gone through his secound transition without Sirus. He was now better but everyone was still a bit empty with sirius gone.

Sirius messed around on the train singing and prancing about. He hadn't sent a letter to the others he wanted it to be a suprise. And finnaly the train arrived at about 9pm at night. One again at the platform was Mr filch. He walked sirius to the castle and told him to go to his dorm.

At this time sirius bandage on his stomach had been removed but not the one on his shoulder. He struggled to pull it up the stairs but finally he was there he walked into the common room. Many people still awake. Many looked at him and smiled. Unsure of why he just nodded and smiled back.

He pulled his trunk up the stairs and then looked out a window he saw errol was flying around he was happy to be back like sirius. Sirius smiled and with that he opened the door to his dorm.

Eyes darted his way in a flash. "I'm back" he puffed. James who was sitting on the floor smiled. Peters mouth opened.  A smile had appeared on Lilys face too. "Where's remus? " sirius asked. "Detention " Peter said. Sirius gave a complete unconvinced face "Why? " He said. "Fell asleep in grubby planks class, that toad" James said and began cussing under his breathe. Sirius laughed and sat down on his bed. "I'm surprised they let me back, they haven't seen reg though " sirius said.

The 4 talked for half an hour about OWLs and how Proffesor grubby planks is a ugly toad from outer space according to Peter. Then the door opened. Remus walked in he didn't noticed sirius he had mudd on him and scratched on his hands and face "Bloody woman, made me go to the forbiddon forest and find wood" he said and he lay on his bed out of breathe.

"Since when did you start saying bloody" sirius said jokingly. Remus sat up and saw Sirius and smiled. "Miss me" sirius laughed and so did the others. Finnaly back.

It was Peters birthday in a few days, so lily, remus, James and sirius had bought him his favourite things, like Zonkos liquirouce wand. Peter was so happy with his presents and with the sweets he shared them out.

Now it was getting cold so they spent most there times in the common room or dorm. It was a nice night all the boys were asleep and then sirius felt a tapping on his shoulder. He looked and saw regulus smiling down upon him and there he held by the scruff of his shirt a unconscious moony with blood dripping down his head. Sirius was about to do aloud whistle for backup but regulus put a thinger to his lip and then pointed his wand to remus. "Now brother, I tried to get you to kill your freinds but you broke free from my charm, but my master is alot stronger then me and because I am a faithful servant he will help me torture you". And with that he started walking away with remus forcing sirius to follow. They had just got to the gates by hogwarts. Sirius eyes hadn't left remus. Regulus then chucked the unconscious Remus to the ground with a large thump.

He took Sirius arm dragged him just out the gate and appareted. Sirius felt sick but before he could do anything he was pushed into a chair and was put in a body binding curse. "Ahh, so this is your traitor brother" said a high pitched male voice in the darkness. Sirius heard a laugh and recognised it "Bella, Bella, please don't do this" he cried.

Three people appeared infront of him. His brother, Bellatrix lestrange his cousin, and a man he had dark hair like everyone in the room. His eyes were ghostly blue-brown. Sirius knew this must be Lord voldemort.

Remus awoke he was wet the ground had been cothered in morning due and frost. He shivered and stood up everything came back in Regulus had done this but where was sirius. He ran as fast as his bear footed feet could go he ran into the dorm loudly awakening the other he run to sirius bed then his empty. "Remus, what's wrong, jesus your soaked and bleeding what happened " James said. Then it dawned on Remus what regulus had said "It's time for you to go nightys so I can bring my master a little fun". His master was Voldemort the dark wizard. "Regulus-he-he took-sirius- to his master, vold-voldemort". Fear rose in the room and the 3 boys started to race.

It was around 6am mcgonagall had only just gotten ready for the day when she heard a knock on her door. Confused she walked over and opened it to find 3 boys still in pajamas and one wet to head to toe a bit of ice in his hair and his head bleeding "Merlin, potter, pettegriw, lupin explain yourselfs" she said gasping. And with that Remus explained what happened and wear Sirius was.

"So Regulus black brought sirius to  Lord voldemort" Dumberdore said he had just had the story explained to him. Remus nodded. "Mcgonagall, send a owl to the ministry, Sirius needs to be found soon or he-"

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