Chapter 1

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Today had been so iratating but happily all there 3rd year test were over. Sirius ran outside and jumped strait into the lake. James laughed and followed him in. Peter laughed and Remus shook his head but smiled. "Come on Remus it's nice and cool" sirius shouted. "Yeah well someone has to be ready when the giant squid starts to strangle you" remus joked. Then Proffesor mcgonagall came striding over "Mr Black and Mr Potter can you please get out the black lake" she said. "Minnie, there's no rule against it, is there " sirius laughed. Mcgonagall shook her head "Mr lupin, I still wonder how your still alive" she joked and he smiled at her as she left.

Sirius got out and hung his cloak on a tree and sat under the shade. "Oi, evans want to join me" James shouted from inside the lake. Lily Evans looked at him and rolled her eyes she walked away with her freind Servurus Snape. James then got out and sighed. "You'll get her one day james" Peter said. "Yeah I will" James said. "Meanwhile, for a substitute you can use proffesor grubby-planks" sirius joked. James pushed him back into the black lake and dangled his legs into the water like Peter and remus suddenly he felt a tug at his leg and he fell into the water. Remus laughed and then secounds later he had been pulled in two then Peter. They were all splashing in the water for hours till it was time for dinner and they walked in smiling soaked to the bone.

That night, sirius was awake. It was only a few weeks till he had to go back home to his family he hated it there. Then he started hearing creaking he didn't look but then saw remus sneak out the door. Sirius followed him down the stairs but then he went through the portrait hole where sirius caught a glympse of Mcgonagall waiting what was happening. He awoke James and Peter. They sat in the common room and waited.

It was 5am and Peter had fallen asleep in the chair he was in. "James we need to go and look its been 6 hours" they walked outside the portrait hole and then down the stairs were they spotted remus curled up in a ball asleep. "REMUS! " sirius yelled. Remus awoke and raised his head. He looked sickly pale and stressed. James and sirius helped him get up the stairs and got him into a armchair. "I guess you noticed something" remus said and laughed weakly. There was no point hiding it anymore they were his best freinds. Peter yawned and looked around he saw Remus and froze silent. "Huh, well the thing is I'm a werewolf, that's how I realy got the scars". Sirius froze on the spot but James spoke "A werewolf, like the ones we learn in defence against the dark arts". Remus nodded. "Realy, why didnt you tell us" sirius finally spoke up. "Well, I thought you wouldn't want to be freinds with a werewolf you know" remus said shyly. Sirius laughed "You realy think we would leave you because your a werewolf mate, no way we haven't left Peter and he's the shortest in the year" they all laughed but Peter crossed his arms and pouted. "Realy" remus said. "Realy mate" sirius said and they all smiled toghther.

School had come to a end for the year they were on the hogwarts express back. James was seeing how many cchoclatle frogs he could fit in his mouth, Peter was counting and remus was sighing reading the daily prophet.

But sirius was silent,he new his parents would be there but not for him but Regulus his perfect slytherin brother. He had gotten about 5 howlers over the year from his parents one even about his mother finding old sweets under his bed. This would be the first time he saw them in nearly a year he always stayed at school for holidays. His dad had began being violent towards him it started to scare him. He looked down at his robes. "I'm gonna go get changed in the bathroom" sirius said. They found this weird he usely just did it there. But sirius was making himself look perfect to try and look formal infront of his family. He put on a plain black suit with tie. He then combed his hair straightining it he hated it like this but his parents would always moan and get angry at his hair all curly. He sighed it wasn't working to well so he just left it. He then walked back into the compartment it fell silent. "May I ask are you going to a funeral " James asked. Sirius shook his head and smiled "I would rather walk out of here in some jeans and the weird sisters t-shirt but my parents would kill me I always have to act perfect around them". He sighed. "Well if you want we can put moony through there window one day on a full moon for you" James said they all laughed then the train came to a halt. Sirius told them all to write and they nodded and left the train.

He came out and saw his parents standing there wearing all black. They wore no smiles on there faces. Sirius walked over "Mother, father" he said quietly. "Be more louder and firm" his father barked. "Aww there you are regulus how did you do on you think you did on your owls" Mrs Black said a little smile on her face. "I think I have passed them all mother, great to see you two" he said politely. "See your brothers sirius strong and firm is how he talks it shows respect and it will give you respect, now come along" Mr Black barked. Sirius caught sight of james out of the corner of his eye looking in disbelief of how cruel they were. Sirius nodded.

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