Chapter 25

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Remus felt like he'd been torn in half. Tears spilled out his eyes as he watched sirius walk away without a secound glance.

Remus after about 15 minutes finnaly stood up he wiped away his tears and walked back into the lunch hall meeting his freinds "Hey moony, were pads at" James asked. There was a stony silence then Remus startle talking in little gasps "He-he dosent want-t-t tooo be f-freinds with usss any more-E he said he-E ended-D it all" he choked out. Everyone became horrified.

Sirius punched a tree, he knew it was thee right thing if he had any relationship with anyone it could be used against him. He was now back to plan number 1 when he was first going to hogwarts he didn't expect to make any freinds so he said he'd go in as a lone wolf well that's what he was going to do now.

2 weeks and sirius would not talk to anyone he ate lunch by himself, did studies alone in his free time he would be found in the library or by the tree by the lake, crying. He couldn't bear it all this pain he couldn't carry on being freinds with them he had two choices he could run away from hogwarts and go find regulus by himself and kill him. But sirius was no killer of others. So he went to option number 2 he, would kill himself.

It was late night of a Wednesday. Sirius slipped out of his bed and walked out of the Gryffindoor common room. He walked and walked until he reached the Astromany tower. He sighed and went over the bars so that he was on the edge when he heard a voice "Sirius". He turned around and saw Peter. "Get back" Peter baciacly ordered. "Go away" sirius muttered. "Sirius you won't tell us why you won't be are freinds anymore and we can bearly stand thar but if you kill yourself we couldn't survive, so merlin get back over the bars"peter said. Sirius mind swam. But finnaly he went back over to the safer side "If you tell anyone about, um that, youll regret it" sirius said and with that he quickly walked off away from Peter.

Peter of course told the others. "Guys I was told not to tell you by sirius-" Peter began and the group nearly exploded "-he talked to you about what" James baciacly roared. "Last night he walked out the common room I followed him, he went to the astronomy tower and over the bars he was going to jump, but I stopped him" Peter blurted. The group fell silent "He was going to kill himself... " Remus said. That was what everyone dreaded. "If he nearly killed himself last night, who says he won't try it again" Lily said quietly. Everyones eyes widened and they began looking for him.

But it was to late, option number 1 had come to find regulus and kill him. Sirius packed a rucksack and got into normal clothes and left. He sneaked out the front gates and then from there he road his broom, to London.

Sirius disappearance spread across the school. It was told to the ministry, they tried the trace but sirius had found away to block it. He realy didn't want to be found. Missing person pictures were put up. People suspected Lord voldemort again.

Sirius was having a hard time. He couldn't stay in the leaky cauldron or anything. So he Usualy slept on the streets. He felt like he was getting closer to them everyday. His first thought was too look for bellatrix she wasn't actually seen at all so no one knew she worked for voldemort. Then he saw her. She walked down the muggle Street towards the inside of the leaky cauldron next to a someone  who wore a hood. It couldn't be Lord voldemort he wouldn't cower like that. Sirius slowly followed. He wasn't going to use his wand right here in public but as soon as they were among the wizard kind it would be ok.

He followed them head bowed out of the leaky cauldron to digan alley were he finnaly spoke up and said "Hey bella" Bellatrix spun around and so did the hooded figure. The figure flipped his hood off, regulus many people saw this and whispered "That's the man working for voldemort " or "That's the missing kid".

"I heard you had disappeared, it brings me joy that I get to see you one more time" regulus said. And with that he used the Killing curse but sirius used a shield charm it bounced back but regulus doged this happened time after time. Until finnaly Bellatrix joined two against one how was this fair. Then he noticed it was no longer two against one but two again three. Two people sirius recognised as aurora had joined. Finnaly Bellatrix and Regulus fled. Sirius new if he didn't soon he would be taken. He bolted but was soon caught by one of the aurors.

"Why did you run away" said a man with a long beard. Sirius had been sat in a room with a metal desk and chair. "I wanted to find my brother, he had been several times tried to kill me but twice he had used one of my freinds to get to me causing them to get hurt, I knew if he knew we were freinds he'd use that against me again" sirius said.

"In a possible case you could of cut your connection with people or gone to a proffesor about the problem " the main said. Sirius explained about how hed done that at first but knew he couldn't handle doing it for longer.

Soon sirius was let out of the room. Enchantments would be placed at hogwarts for more protection so know intruders would be able to enter. Siris felt at peace at that. But he still feared going back would they ever forgive him.

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