Chapter 2

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1st week into the holidays James was celebrating he was going to watch the quiditch world Cup semi final and  final with his dad. Remus was reading book through books at his home which his mother had bought him. Peter was still telling his parents about how cool his freinds were. But sirius, he sat in a corner of his room he had gotten in a row with his father over the muggle posters he hand stuck to the wall with a charm making it unmovable, his father had wacked him in the face with his cane, sirius nose was bleeding and so had his head. But just before he ran to his room he had punched his father in the face. Any minute now his father would walk in and probaly kick or wack his again. He wiped the blood from his face and look at his black and white striped owl it sat there in its cage quietly. Suddenly his rooms door flung open and his father came in fuming. But instead of his fists raised it was his want "crucio "he shouted. A dreadful pain reached sirius he wriggled on the ground shouted and screamed for his father to stop. But when he did all he said "Pack your bags we don't want you in are family any more" his father turned and left. Sirius lay numb on the floor. He lay there for about half an hour until someone came in regulus. "You need to be out of here soon, I'll help you pack" he said in a normal tone. Sirius got up and packed his things painfully with regulus. Now he had his broom in his hand and had his trunk and owl ready. "I will see you at hogwarts won't I " regulus asked and sirius nodded. He ran downstairs then out the house.

It was dark sirius didn't know were to go at first then thought diagon alley to gringotts he had his own vault key he could get all the money he needed and just rent a room in the leaky cauldron. He rode his broom to London and then went through the leaky cauldron. The sun had risen and gringotts had just opened when he arrived he got a few stares he looked as pale as a ghoust and his face was still bloody but he didn't care. He got some money out then got a room at the leaky cauldron.

A few days later, sirus had got a letter from James:
Hey sirius,
How's your summer going mine going great so far me and dad are going to the quiditch semi finale and finale, we have a extra ticket so if you want to come with us you can remus and peter are going with there family too. I hope your parents aren't treating you too bad.


Siruis replied to James lying saying it wasn't to bad at his house and that he would love to come to the quiditch games. He sighed and then put his ink and quills away and sent his owl otter away. His parents had named the owl ottorhonta for him when they gave it to him but he called the owl otter.

Siruis decided now that he was free he would do whatever he wanted to he went to a ice-cream shop and bout a three layer ice cream it was delicious he was eating it and then he heard a familiar voice. "Yeah sure, mom I will stay clear of people" said remus. His mother kissed the top of his head then turned into Knockturn alley. He sighed looked around, Siruis had tried to hide himself in his seat how would remus react finding out he was basically homeless but Remus recognised sirius's hair anyway.

"Sirus? " remus said. Sirius turned "Hey, didn't see you there mate come sit down" he said in a faked cheerful tone. "What you doing here? " remus questioned. "I could ask you the same thing" sirius replied. "Well for me my mom was looking for some sort of potion to help with werewolf me in Knockturn so we go earlier in the year so no other students are realy there to see, now answer my question" remus said. Siruis sighed "Well im here eating ice cream aren't I" Siruis said. Remus raised his eyebrows and said "Yeah and your parents seem like the type to let you go out and buy a three scoop ice cream". Sirius sighed then said "Fine, I punched my father so he kicked me out". "What! " remus said. Sirius explained everything to him. "Wait so your saying he used crucio on you" remus said and Sirus nodded. "Merlins beard, sirius why didn't you tell any of us" remus said and sirius shrugged his shoulders. Remus mother appeared out of the alley and then spotted Remus and came over "Ahh Remus is this is one of your freinds isn't it" she said happily. "Yeah this is sirius and he-" "Is happy to meet you Mrs lupin remus talks about you all the time the best mum award goes to you from what I heard" sirius said shaking her hand. Remus mothers laughed. "Aww that is so nice of you" she said. "Well it was great seeing you remus and nice meeting you Mrs lupin" and with that sirius strode and left. He went up to his room and lay down on his bed looking up at the ceiling.

Siruis turned up at james door on the day of the quiditch, semi final. When James saw him he hugged him and then he quietly said "You ok, remus told me everything". Siruis shrugged his shoulders and said "I'm fine". "Ahh Mr Black it's nice to finnaly meet you" Mr potter said. "Same too you Mr potter" Siruis said.

They went to the semi final and they met Peter and Remus there. On the look on Peters face. Sirius knew Remus had told all of them.

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