Chapter 17

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Sirius blinked. He was being carried he was soaked to the bone but alive. He closed his eyes again, and one again was unconscious.

Sirius awoke again. He felt gold and was still a bit wet. He's body was hurting and he could see the blood. For a secound he blinked at caught a glympse of The new matron. Madam pomfrey wrapping something around his shoulder. Then his eyes closed again.

James was still in shock a bit but his shock was happy sirius was alive they had got him out the water. He may have be injured but alive. A smile spread across his face "Potter, I want you strait to your room now, use that cloak, we need to make sure regulus black is realy gone" she said and swiftly left.

James arrived back in the dorm he was happy but sad. Mostly happy though he was alive. Peter came down confused to see James spinning around at 6am on a Sunday morning. James didn't even notice him to Remus and lily turned up and said "What are you doing James? " Lily had said and remus said "Were sirius? ".

James had been so excited that sirius was alive he had forgotten the fact that he was nearly, it was a miracle he was alive. James stopped and looked at the floor it may of been the spinning that made him pale but it wasn't "James" Remus said. "He wanted to-" he couldn't bring himself to say it "-for us" that's all he could say. "He wanted to for us? James what do you mean" Lily said concerned and confused. James busted into tears and they swarmed around him worried. "Sirius, was with regulus-I - thought reg had killed him but-T he's alive - I was told but-" his face froze "-what if he died, after that".

Remus, lily and Peter, had to wait for James to be able to say the full story and as soon as he finished. Remus stood up and ran out the door until he got to the bottom of there stairs were he found argus filch "No coming out of the common room" he said. Remus with his head hanging walked back up.

Sirius awoke. He looked around confused. His shirt was mostly torn reveling his chest which was bandaged and so was his shoulder. His lip was bleeding and his head ached. His arms had little cuts and bruises on then and so did his legs. He sighed quietly he was in so much pain. "Mr. Black, it seems you have a knack of trouble". Sirius looked up and saw Madam pomfrey. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

Dumberdore came in talking to Argus filch "The castle is secure, people can come out there dorms now" he said and then filch limped off. "Mr Black, your freind mr potter explained what happened but only you know why it happened" Dumberdore said to sirius. "James he's ok right" sirius said unaware of what had happened after he fell. Dumberdore nodded. Sirius sighed "They happened, because Regulus was getting back at me for my father incident-" sirius said not wanting Madam pomfrey to know like most staff did. "-he was the one that poisoned me, and then he hurt one of my freinds, I invited him here, to kill me, that meant he would leave my freinds alone if I was dead" sirius said.

Dumberdore sighed "15 points will be taken from Grythindoor for not consoling a adult about things that have taken place, but 10 shall be giving for your bravery" he said and smiled a little. "You need to rest Mr black, I expect you'll have some freinds trying to see you very soon" he said and turned and left. Sirius smiled and lay flat on his back and soon fell asleep.

"He's trying to sleep boys be quiet" whispered lily. "It's just he's alive" James sobbed quietly. "I think he can here us" Peter said. "Why's that" Lily asked. "He's smiling see " peter pointed out. It was true sirius had been awoken by the clutter of noise but right that secound he didn't want to get up. But now he supposed he would. He sat up and said "Have you guys ever thought about listening to lily" sirius said and they all laughed except remus who sat in a chair. He was looking at sirius injuries but not directly at him. "Prongs, stop sobbing" sirius said. But James wouldn't he was so happy. "Don't do that again" he cried and sirius promised.

"You were going to die for us" Remus piped up. Sirius sighed and said "Yeah". "You shouldnt do that, you shouldn't have to die for us, you should of gone to a teacher this is all because I got hurt isn't it you shouldn't care that much, pads" Remus blurred out. "Well I do, and your going to have to deal with it, Im tired, goodnight " he said. And then not wanting to see anyone's face he lay on his side but it was the shoulder that had the deep wound. He winced and tears came to his eyes. He turned to the other side and then screwed up his eyes.

Soon everyone left sirius then sirius sat up he was so mad. He cared to much, yeah maybe he did, but no one was going to die on his behalf, if he died then they were safe he was just caring for them. Remus knew he loved him, why couldn't he understands he did it because he couldn't bare losing him. He sighed.

Meanwhile, remus was in his on thought: sirius would of just dropped down dead for them like that no, it wasn't the right thing all it would cause was pain. Why couldn't sirius see that he loved him so much that he couldn't bear losing him.

They both just didn't want to lose each other. They both feel asleep being angry and stubborn.

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