Chapter 11

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Sirius bandage came of his head as he swam vigioursly but he did not care remus had disappeared down into the dephs of the lake. Sirius head ached at the pressure of the water but he kept going kicking his legs in pain. He found remus near some seaweed he looked unconscious he had a few deep scratches over his arms and legs. Sirius casted a spell with his wand making the grindelows still attacking remus freeze. He picked up remus and pushed off from the ground. He soon reached the surface. He took a breathe, gasping he carried remus while swimming to the land. James and Peter had been Waiting. Sirius lay remus down on the land and felt his heart he wasn't breathing.

Sirius started doing chest compressions and mouth to mouth then suddenly Remus sat up coughthing out water. Sirius smiled and hugged him whispering in his ear "don't you ever scare me like that again, moony".

Pranks had ended for the day from the incident. The boys ended up just sitting in the common room studying for there end of year tests. Sirius kept on telling remus to go to madame pomfrey about the scratches but remus refused.

Night had fallen and the mauradaurs had gone to sleep all except James. He was awake thinking about everything why did everyone always get hurt, why? He got out of bed and went down to the common room and sat staring into the fire until he heard a voice "James? " He turned and saw lily "What are you doing up so late? " He asked. She raised her eyebrows "I could ask you the same question " then she sighed and went and sat in one of the comfy chairs next to James. They talked all night long about there troubles they became even more closer.

A Monday had come the days were getting longer and harder the end of year test drawing nearer. Lily and James were getting more closer and one person had noticed the relationship blooming between remus and sirius, Peter.

He had hatched a plan by himself he went up to sirius and said "I've seen you looking at someone, alot, I think you have a big crush" he said. "What, how do you know, is it that obvious? " sirius spluttered and Peter nodded "Yep, and I think you should tell them, I'm fine with it" Peter said happily. "But I don't know what to say or do" Sirius said. "OK then, leave this to uncle peter" Peter said and started walking away. "Hey, your 6 months younger then me uncle more like little brother " sirius shouted.

Peter went to remus alone later that day and said "I've found out you've got yourself a admirer, a big crush, but they don't know how to tell you" peter said. "W-what who? " Remus spluttered. "My lips are sealed, but I must say I think you have a big crush on them too" he said and then turned around leaving remus alone. It was definitely happening, James had been right, they were going to happen.

"Peter, what are you doing" said blindfolded sirius stumbling over everything.

"James, were are we going if you push me in the lake" said remus as he heard the cold night air.

Neither pair replied to the questions they had hatched a plan toghther.

"Jesus was that a tree" sirius said rubbing his forehead.

Both James and Peter saw each other and then whispered to either remus or sirius that when they sit down they count down from 60 in there head then they can take of the blindfold.

After they both did this, they took off there blindfolds finding themselves in a concealed place it was underneath one of the tapestrys of the quiditch stands. They saw each other then the table draped in red with a candle light. "Of course I left it to uncle Peter damn it" sirius said under his breathe which remus heard leaving him confused. "Remus, I dont have a Fucking clue how this was meant to help, but we'll peter, he was trying to help me to-" he sighed and saw remus confused face. "To tell you that, I like you" he looked down at his feet and said "More then mate's". Sirius stayed staring at his feet hearing silence, until.. "I feel-l the same" Remus said.

Sirius looked up, surprised "Realy, you not just lying because you feel sorry for me". Remus shook his head they both smiled at each other and then in secounds they found themselves in each others arms evolved in a loving hug.

Meanwhile at this time Peter and James were dancing around the common room and lily came down the stairs and asked why they were so happy and they told her what they had just set up and she smiled and then laughed when she saw James dancing on a table there.

Sirius and Remus walked back up to the castle awkwardly holding each others hands but doing it happily. They got in the common room without being spotted, and saw James Peter and lily they awkwardly let go of each others hand. The boys and lily looked at them. Why was everything become awkward. James smiled and so did Peter at them and lily giggled. Remus blushed a little at the silence and sirius smiled it was only silence there. Then remus and sirius went disappearing up the stairs into the dorm.

Sirius and Remus smiled at each other then laughed. Remus then yawned. "You need to be getting to bed, sleepyhead" he joked. Remus rolled his eyes but yawned again. Sirius and he got under the cotheres of his bed and just lay there then remus fell asleep, sirius kissed the top of remus head and smiled, "night moony" he whispered.

James, Peter and lily were talking downstairs and after about 20 minutes they sneaked up to see if the boys were asleep they were and they found them with sirius hugging remus.

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