Chapter 10

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James had just landed he was so happy. But not to many cheers came. Then he saw it the rest of the team crowding round something. He buged over then saw it. Sirius lay on the growns blood trickled from all over his ear. Sirius eyes looked blank then they shut slowly. No one could tell if he was still alive how could he, he had fallen from so high.

Remus came over and his hand cothered his mouth, then petter came huffling open. All 3 of sirius closes freinds broke down into tears. Mcgonagall came over and so did a few other teachers. They took sirius away from prying eyes so no one could see if he was dead or not.

Everytime the boys tried to enter the infirmary they were blocked and sent away. Night had over the castle and the 3 boys were awake sitting in a circle not talking. Until they finally fell asleep on the floor.

5 days it had been and nothing. Until they had started to walk out of care of magical creatures were proffesor grubby planks said "Oh yes you three mcgonagall would like to see you in her office, it concerns your freind sirius" she said and turned. The three raced there knocked on the door and went in "Hello you three, sirius is alive I will let you know it was hard to tell but he has not awoken, he was transferred to St mungos this morning to see if they can awaken him there" mcgonagall said sadly. The boys nodded and then left.

No further news came. The Night of the full moon had arrived. It had been already a month since the accident April was coming, there annual months of there biggest pranks. The night was soon over and the two animagus tired went to sleep. Leaving Remus breathing sharply in pain.

Mcgonagall asked him if he needed any help but he shook his head. "I do a great levatating charm Minnie you know that "he chuckled and she sighed and walked away leaving him alone."Wingerdium leviosa "he muttered. The wheelchair he had been forced to use levated and then flew up the stairs. He whooped quietly it was 6am everyone would probably be asleep. He got to the common room said the password and got in. "Home sweet home"sirius said.

He levetated his wheelchair up the stairs and into his dorm. He wheeled himself in quietly then he got to his bed he was about to lift himself into his bed using his arms when he heard a whimper. It was remus, it had just been a full moon he remembered. He wheeled himself quietly over to Remus. "Hey, moony it's ok" he said quietly. Remus head slowly lifted and when he saw Sirius he sparked with energy in a second he had jumped on sirius swallowing him into a big hug making him fall out of the chair and on the floor painfully but he didn't care. "Yeah I missed you two moony" he said as Remus cried happy tears into his shoulder.

Remus picked sirius up and put him back in his chair. Though remus felt like hell and so did sirius they had gathered so much energy seeing each other again. After so much sound, James and Peter had been awoken. They too were thrilled to have sirius back.

Sirius had a severely broken leg and had been in a minor acoma he wore a bandage over his head and his ear had, to be used by a muggle way called stitches sirius told them. Lily was happy to see him back to everyone was.

After 3 weeks sirius was aloud out the wheel chair the leg would now only ache but not pain him. He walked around a bit limping but fine. The 1st of April was coming there list of pranks growing. Then it arrived.

It started off at breakfast with stink bombs they had created which they had put on the slytherin benches. Then it came from joke to joke james went up to Dumberdore and said "Would you like to hear a joke, sir" he said and Dumberdore nodded. "Why did the chicken cross the road " he said and Dumberdore said "I don't know" then James said "To get to the idiots house, knock knock". Confused Dumberdore said "Who's there? " and James said half excited half scared "THE CHIKEN! " it took a second for Dumberdore to realise it then he said "I won't tell you of Mr potter if you tell that joke to proffesor mcgonagall " he said. And that's what James did.l Eventhough that landed him being told off by her until he explained why he did it and a mischievous grin appeared on mcgonagall face no one had ever seen before.

Lunch came and then dessert, mcgonagall walked up to Dumberdore and put cream on his face and said "Albus, that is for getting Mr Potter to tell me that joke". SECOUND after Dumberdore jelly had been flung at mcgonagall and then a muggle born from Hufflepuff puff shouted "FOOD FIGHT! " and all the muggle born knowing what that was started having a food fight then everyone joined in. Remus walked out cothered in pumpkin juice, James with cream and peices of cake and sirius had jelly tangeled in his hair, but Peter being the smallest had been hit with everything people had doged. "Up for a swim" sirius said as the rest of the hall carried on and the boys laughed knowing what was about to happen all 4 of them jumped into the lake, washing the food away. "Oi look its a few grindelows I didn't know they went this near the surface" James said confused then one started trying to drag Peter under they pulled Peter up and started swimming to land. They got there james and peter were looking at a cut the grindelows had given Peter while remus was getting out finnaly when one got him by the ankles then they all did pulling him under. "MOONY" sirius shouted and jumped back in after them.

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