Chapter 24

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Through the next few days any free period Remus had any time at all he would race up to the dorms to see sirius. Now it was the night of his transformation they had told sirius not to come but off course he wasn't going to listen.

20 minutes after they left he got out of bed a bit wobbly then turned into a dog. He went through the school and into the shrieking shack. Sirius walked in and saw stag look at him and shake its head. Sirius just showed a grin and little bark. Remus in his werewolf form, got iratated by this loud nose. Though he had thee potion he half stood up and with a wip of his hands dug his claws into sirius face and scampered away.

Sirius felt blood dripping down his dog face and it hurt bad. He let out a whimper and walked away into a corner were he bearded his face into his arms.

Remus turned back into his human form and then so did James and Peter. Remus saw remus still in the corner "We told him not to come" he whispered weakly. Remus had just though sirius was tired and weak. But James went over and picked dog sirius up. "Come on let's get out of here" he said. Remus was a bit confused on what was happening so he just walked with Peter helping him.

They got back to the dorm, James put Sirius down on his bed. Sirius awoke and realised were he was turned back into a human. He got dressed and then looked over at the others. Sirius flesh had been cut and was bleeding. Peter cringed at it and James stood silent. Remus saw it from his bed and whispered "I did that didn't I" and sirius nodded. "S-sorry" he whispered. "Remus, its OK its fine" sirius began but Remus had already turned his head he couldn't bear to see what he'd done any longer.

Everyone got in bed, sirius was using his wand to try heal up. It only half worked. He sighed and went to sleep.

Remus wouldn't talk to sirius even when it was both of alone in the room with the others at class. Finnaly sirius couldn't stand it, he got out his bed, he wasn't meant to at all, but he did he walked foolishly over to remus who was just looking at the ceiling. He fell clumsily on his knees next to Remus bed. He lay his head on the mattress and whispered "Why won't you talk to me remus, everything is fine I'm sorry I came yesterday I shouldn't have". Remus looked at sirius his head buried into the mattress "Don't say sorry, I'm the monster, I hurt you". Sirius looked up at remus and said "Moony you could never be a monster to me, whatever you do I'd still love you". Sirius leaned his forehead to remus so they touched, even though his head throbbed doing this it calmed him. And with that Sirius pulled him to his face and kissed him.

Remus pulled away quickly. "How, how can you do this, I hurt you I'm a danger to you and you still don't care, what if I was more violent" Remus blurted. "Even deep through the werewolf is still the smart, amazing, gorgeous and definitely cute remus lupin who could never realy hurt me" sirius said looking remus in the eye. Remus heart warmed at this. Remus pulled sirius from the floor onto his bed and cuddled him close "Jesus sirius, how are you so persuasive" he chuckled. Sirius chuckled back. "I'm persuasive towards the things I don't want to lose"he said and then kissed remus cheek.

Sirius was finnaly up on his feet again walking around and going to class. Though things had changed Regulus had hurt Remus twice, sirius knew that when Regulus found them toghther he know new that Remus was a good way to get to sirius. Now everynight he would lay awake all night.

It was another day now it had been 2 weeks of sirius with no sleep. He lay his head down on the breakfast table "Hey padfoot you feeling ok" Lily asked noticing sirius head on the table. "Fine, fine, fine.. " he murmed and then he shot his head up tired. "Sorry I was just a bit tired" sirius said. Now they all looked at him properly and realised he had big dark circles under his eyes.

Lunch came James walked up to sirius and said "Sirius have you been sleeping". Sirius nodded but James gave him a unconvinced look. Sirius sighed knowing he had no chance of being able to lie to James "Ok I haven't, look twice at night Regulus he's appeared and hurt Remus who's to say he won't turn up and do it again". James looked at him then sighed "I think regulus already gave the biggest kick he could of given, you realy need sleep you look like shit" James said. Sirius sighed but agreed.

Sirius mind was chosen at that point he knew it was the right thing to do. That night while he was cuddled to remus he finnaly went to sleep. He slept long and good. He woke feeling energized, but not ready for the day. Though he was not ready for what he was going to do.

It was a Friday. Sirius was acting unusual and soon Remus found out why. "Come with me" sirius whispered. Both the boys went outside. They were on the field when sirius reluctantly let go of Remus hand. "This needs-S to end-d" sirius said. "What needs to end?" Remus asked. "This relationship and are freindship all the freindships I have, tell the others I won't see them later" and with that sirius turned and left. He couldn't chance anyone getting hurt again. He left Remus who fell to the ground feeling crumpled and brokenhearted crying on the ground

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