Chapter 29

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The week went by. The same as usual but there quidditch game against Ravenclaw was this weekend. Then it came.

Uniform on and ready james and sirius walked onto the quiditch pitch.

The game began. Sirius felt happy to be back onto the pitch. He dashed around throwing and shooting the quaffle.

James had been circling the pitch when he saw the snitch and bolted. Soon the Ravenclaw captain but also seeker saw James and went after him.

James conpared to the captain was like a twig. This guy was nearly twice as tall and had a wide chest and large hands. They were neck on neck. James knew this guy to play dirty and that's what happened.

James had seen the snitch dive down and he was about to bolt but the other guy had taken him by the scruff of the neck. James saw as his broom fell before him and clattered to the ground. The ravenclaw captain happily smiled and pointed somewhere to one of the beaters and dropped James.

James fell through the air and to the crowds horror a ravenclaw beater hit a bludger at him and he got impact. He groaned as he fell then the snitch. Midair, centimetres from his face, he caught it.

James was close to hitting the ground, but sirius had noticed and dived. He caught james just before he reached the ground. "Your a legened" James beamed brightly. Sirius laughed as he landed "Me you got the snitch half way falling and after being hit with a BLODDY bludger" he said. James laughed. The game was over so Sirius started walking caring james who's nose was bleeding and his face was scratched.

"I feel like a baby" James moaned. "I can get someone else so we can make a throne and you can be a fairy princess instead " sirius joked. Then lily, Peter and Remus were next to them. "My god, James your going to be ok" Lily said. Sirius laughed "Yeah you will, Im telling you from experience Madam pomfrey can do miracles" and they all laughed.

James was in the hospital wing for a few days but soon he looked completely better excepts from his bruised nose. Sirius would joke about it alot.

Sirius slept long and hard the first night James was out the hospital wing. Unaware of the two imposter.

Sirius awoke it was early Wednesday morning. He looked around. Remus was gone. Hmm.. Early breakfast? Then he realised so was James and Peter. Strange? Maybe lily knew.

Sirius started to walk up the stairs to the girls dormitories but then it transformed from stairs to more a slide. Then two girls in there year came down "Boys aren't aloud to walk up here, aren't counted as trustworthy"one said laughing. "Oh hey, Olivia isn't it, is lily up there" he asked one of the girls. She shook her head. "No I haven't seen her today" and then both girls left.

Wouldn't they of left some sort of note if they were going to breakfast without him. He went up to the room and looked around. He sighed and layed on his four poster bed and then on the ceiling of the bed was a peice of paper. Sirius jumped on his bed and then finnaly ripped it off.

He read it and to his horror it said:

Hey sirius,
Well we got your freinds,
It was pretty easiy knocking them out.
Bella got the girl, she was awake and put up a bit of a fight though.

Well we're going to have fun toturering them. Have a nice day.
Reg and Bella ➵.

Sirius raced to mcgonagall office and knocked on the door. She opened it, Sirius couldn't talk his throught had dried up his vision blurring he passed the note to mcgonagall and she read it her eyes widening.

"Mr. Black, with me now" she thundered and toghther they jogged off to Dumberdore office.

Many minutes later. Dumberdore had just sent an owl to the ministry he turned to sirius. "At no point may you try go find them, the trace should work, we hope, I think you should get something to eat. Your excused from classes from today". Sirius nodded and left. He felt hungry and ill but wasn't going to eat that much so all he did was run in grab a slice of toast and walk out.

He sat on his bed. How had he not realised. He'd slept through it all. How did they get in. Why was he so stupid to trust the enchantments
what was happening to them right now. This questions rushed through his head.

James banged on the metal door using his shoulder, his hands tied. He just needed to get through. He didn't know what was happening, he just had to get to her. Then one again they heard lily scream. And a loud voice said "You are a disgusting little mudblood, of course my good for nothing cousin would like someone as worthless as you" bellatrix screamed.

Lily was in a corner blood dripping from her arms and legs. She was drenched in sweat. She felt someone grab her under the arm. She looked up feeling unaware to anything seeing Regulus. He opened the metal door and shoved her in and then locked the door. Lily fell to the ground and cried. "Hey it's ok, it's going to be ok" James said wrapping his arms around lily. Eventhought there hands were tied they managed to cuddle. While Remus and peter watched from the darkness.

Lily seemed like the strongest girl they knew, and they had done this to her. They feared it. The door opened and Bellatrix dragged out Remus by the collar "Don't worry, I actualy have other things in mind for you" she whispered. "Reg, he is that kid bitten by fenir, you know we could use him, werewolfs can be very useful you know" she said smiling her teeth. Remus gulped.

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