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The Mature Version of Chapter 93 and can be found in Transgression: Private Chapters which is on my profile. I have quite a few works, so you may need to scroll through to find it.

The beginning of Chapter 94 will hint at the overview without going into detail, so you are not missing any important story information by opting out of this chapter.


Acacia/Ciarán - Age 18

"Acacia is a freaking genius...even if she doesn't always see it," Rian smiles as Taron sets the folding chessboard out flat on the dining room table. I'm shaking my head no, Lailoken sitting across from me as he arches a brow, Taron setting a box down next to Lailoken and one next to me.

Rian had been the one to find the chess set...

...and now-

"She beat me in two moves when we were younger," Taron shakes his head and I suddenly color, Lailoken chuckling as Taron continues to praise me, "I've never seen anything like it."

I really don't want to play chess...

...it reminds me that my limitations are to just that...the board and I can't set an application to real-world events.

Dad was right...I really am nothing like him.

Rian sits down right next to me, rubbing his chin while speaking out loud, "I wonder how you're going to beat him-"

"Apparently..." Lailoken cuts Rian off and chuckles, his eyes meeting with mine as he states, "...I'm already outmatched. Boys, is our dear mate truly in a league of her own?"

"I haven't played in awhile..." my voice is soft, remembering the way I'd left chess behind. I'd destroyed the one connection my dad had given me, making me believe that my mental strength could ever prepare me for anything my physical strength couldn't overcome...then, I withdrew from the chess club, leaving behind everything I'd surrounded myself with for protection and security.

"Then I should stand a fighting chance?" Lailoken arches a brow and I nod my head, glancing away for a moment. After we set up our pieces, making sure everything is in order, he makes the first move.

Lailoken's pawn moves forward and I reach out, grasping my own to counter his. The second I grasp the chess piece, I exhale sharply as images briefly flicker across my vision. It's not like visions I've had...

...more so...memories?


The road.

A loud buzzing sound pierces my eardrums while I turn my head to the side, releasing the piece not where I'd been intending to place it...though the second I no longer touch it, the move is made and set.

"Acacia?" Rian asks me with concern, glancing at him for a moment as the sound dissipates.

"Yeah?" I ask him, shaking my head a moment later. Seeing him looking at me, I reply back quickly with, "I'm okay...I don't really know what that was."

Lailoken keeps his eyes on me while Taron sits beside him. I nod my head at Lailoken after he waits for a while, regarding me with something I'm not entirely sure of. He lifts his hand, moving the next piece into place. With the way he's going, it'll be easy to trap and force him into checkmate.

Grasping the rook, I move it forward behind the pawn, but I feel it once again.

This time, it's a much sharper pain and I cry out, releasing the hold on the piece. My eyelids snap shut as I grasp the sides of my head, seeing the imagery of where I'd been...

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