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xXVitanaXx Happy Birthday

Acacia/Ciarán - Age 14

Meliorist Sanctum

It's Sunday evening, and if I were at home, I'd see the council members readying for their winter solstice council meeting. At Meliorist Sanctum, many are either settling down in their dorms or common rooms for a night in as just like at Castle Valentine; it snows during the winter months. A white blanket of snow covers the rooftops of the buildings; my warm coat pulled up snug around my neck.

Our common room is becoming quite loud, and I can even hear the noises carrying up to the top floor of the dorm room I reside within. Walking down the almost undiscernible pathways covered in snow, I make my way to the library. The snow falls all around me, respiring a small breath forms a cloud in front of my lips. This time of year reminds me of the snowball fights Ciarán, and I use to have...

...now it just reminds me of how lonely I've slowly started to become.

Sinéad said she's making me hot chocolate when I get back, my heart warming at her generosity and genuine kindness. Fae is a quirky one, but she has a caring heart and wants to find that prince of her life. I can't disagree with her...seems things would be much simpler if that were the case.

Mercury has left me alone...surprisingly.

After Sinéad bested and thoroughly embarrassed him, he hasn't come near me. Though I see him often with my brother as he has been heading his campaign for school council...elections are being held tomorrow...he doesn't try to hurt me. I can't figure him out...the way he carries himself and the aura about him, it's continually changing, and that's what makes him dangerous.

Walking into the library and out of the snow, I glance once at our librarian as she's shelving books in a lower quadrant. My hand glides up the railing as I climb the stairs toward the table we usually study at, enjoying the silence that comes from the ghost room. When I reach the top landing, I catch something out of the corner of my eye.

Turning my gaze on the furthest end of the upper floor, I see a closed door...though I catch a very slight purple hue radiating from beneath the slit of the door. A few wisps of spider webs branch out but remain where they are. Taking a quick look over the balcony and at the first floor, I walk toward the door, rubbing my cold hands together before outstretching one. Grasping the doorknob, I feel slight warmth pulsate through me before I exhale deeply and open it inward.

Looking around the small room, I see a few bookshelves along with two couches, a little light on a desk along with a couple of school laptops and a window overlooking the front courtyard. Other than the few webs on the floorboards, I see nothing out of the ordinary...the purple hue just a light radiance coating the walls of the room.

Shutting the door behind me, I look around, walking between the few shelves while my fingertips brush the spines of the books. These books are a bit older, leather backings reflecting silver and gold writing on a few. There are some languages I can't discern, furrowing my brows as I do a brief sweep of the selections.

"Strength comes in many forms and when we least expect it," her voice seems like a distant ghost, though a familiar friend that appears near the window. Nimue leans against the ledge, her hands gripping it while she regards me briefly.

"What am I looking for?" I close my eyelids and release a sigh.

Nimue replaces her hands with her lower back leaning against the ledge while she crosses her arms just beneath her breasts. She tilts her head to the side and questions me back, "What is it that you want?"

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