Chapter 42

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"Ahhhhhh!!!!!" That's the reaction I got when I was telling Elise and Dad why I missed my flight and had to take a later one. My Dad's reaction though? His reaction to the reason I missed my flight because I was declaring my feelings a for some guy he doesn't even know was not the same.

It was more of of a huff. Like a giraffe trying to cough up a peanut. Let's just say he wasn't happy.

The Awards Show was great even though my mind couldn't get over the boy waiting for me in Cali. I wore a loose fitting dress that went down to my ankles not wanting the presses rude comments to ruin my day.

He was there, at the airport when I got off the plane. I ran and jumped into his arms like those cheesy movies but I didn't care. I could feel him breathing in my hair and laughed. This was what I've been waiting for.

That Monday when Drew and I walked in hand in hand was a great feeling. Quinn was like oh my god, oh my god, oh my god and squealing like a little girl. Yasmine just gave me a look as if saying I told you everything wouldn't turn out fine. But the best reaction was Caitlyn.

I was leaving my history class and Drew was waiting for me outside of the class. Caitlyn followed behind me and her eyes narrowed once she saw Drew with me.

"Well isn't it the skinny little hoe with yet another one of her boy toys?"

"Back off or I'll-" Drew growls. I hold his tense arm back not wanting him to do something he would regret.

"Don't you dare threaten me Drew. You have no right after just leaving me for this son of-"

"Caitlyn I said stop!" Drew shouts causing people to look over at us. Her face goes read while her posse drags her away.

Drew closed his eyes and turned to me. "I won't let anything happen to you." He whispered kissing my temple. I smiled up at him.

"Drew I can take care of myself."

"Sure but I'm just here to help."

After that day Caitlyn hasn't bothered me again but I still get her death glares from across the rooms. If looks could kill I would be six feet under.

Ryan came over yesterday and him and I worked on my calculus which I'm still failing. No surprise there. Drew still hates the idea of him but he's working on it. Ryan had brought his younger brother who was adorable. His name is August, reminding me of this five, no six times.

He would say things like Ashley your so pretty and Ashley can I have a hug? It was honestly the most cutest thing ever. Of coarse Ryan kept telling him to stop but I assured him it was fine.

Drew and I though haven't had any alone time sense I've gotten back so tonight I had asked him to come over.

"Go fish." I say now. Drew eyes me and grabs a card from the pile. I don't blame him for being wary, this is our second time playing and I only won last time by cheating.

But hey its go fish, who doesn't cheat?

"Are you positive you don't have any three's?" He asks.

"Yeah..." I trail off avoiding his knowing eyes. The next thing I know he's crawling over with his fingers finding my stomach and tickling me.

"St- stop!" I try and say as he tickles me even more.

"Nope!" He says laughing too.

"Drew! St-" I can't finish sense I'm laughing so hard. Pretty soon I'm on my back on the couch and Drew is on top of me. My breath catches in my throat and Drew stops tickling me.

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