Chapter 40

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The second hour bell rings and I hurry out of the class with everyone else. Today, feeling lighter than I have in ages, I put on a flowey, red mini skirt and paired it with a black crop top. I put on black flora tights along with my black high-top converse.

A girl I've never seen before rushes up to me with a concerned look in her eyes as I make my way down the hall. "Oh my gosh! Ashley, are you okay?"

"Okay?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, after that whole Zack and Marina fiasco I can only imagine the pain you must be enduring."

Right, the pain. Well, I could play along but... "No, I'm absolutely fine."

She visibly relaxes. "That's a relief. Remember if you ever need anything, I'm here."

"Okay then." I turn on my heel and head to my locker where Quinn is waiting for me.

"Hey girl!"

I don't respond as I take a textbook out of a locker. I've been giving her the silent treatment for not trying to help find me, instead of making out with Preston.

Speaking of, Pres comes up behind Quinn and tazes her in the sides. "Not now babe." Quinn says.

He frowns down at her. "What's wrong?"

"Ashley!" Quinn exasperates ignoring Preston. "I said I was sorry. I was drunk and a little occupied."

"Is that what's this is about?" Preston laughs. "Just make up already. I hate when chick's fight cause than hair is going to be flying."

I laugh and turn to Quinn sighing. "It's fine. But if this comes around again vise versa don't expect me to help."

"It's wouldn't expect it." Quinn smiles hooking her arm through mine. "See you Pres. I'm going to walk Ash to her class." We head down the hall together. "In my defense it gave Drew the opportunity to have a superhero moment helping you. Are you guys dating yet?"

I stumble on nothing in surprise. "No. I.. I don't think he likes me, you know? As a friend sure. But something more? I'm not so sure."

"Do you have a brain in that thick scull of yours? Of coarse he likes you. Pres even told me so."

"He did?" I ask shocked.

"Yup." She smacks the p. "Well here's your class. See ya!" And with that she skips off in the other direction.

First things first I go up to Mr. Helgrim. "Um sir, I was wondering if I would have my spot back next to Ryan?"

He looks up from his computer. "Miss Roberts I don't pair couples together so they can talk during my class."

"No, he's not my boyfriend." I explain. "I just work well with him is all."

He studies me for a second like the actual truth will start pouring out of my ears. Truth bomb: that's not going to happen. "Very well. But if there is any peeps coming from over there, I will have to move you back."

"Understood." I thank him and head back to my old seat next to Ryan. He looks to me in surprise but a smile slowly forms across his face.

"Your back."

"Yeah. Turns out there's this guy who sits here that is really good at Pre-calc and this girl who sucks at it could use help from that guy."

He smiles pulling out my chair. "I'd be happy to."

"Did you know we had a test today?" Quinn whispers from next to me as out English teacher starts handing out papers.

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