Chapter 17

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I slam my locker closed and link arms with Yasmine as we continue to class.

"So did you take my advice?" Yasmine asks.

"Actually yes. Elise isn't that bad. And I can tell how much Dad likes her. Last night we watched a movie together and they were like the cutest teenage couple ever."

"Well thats great chica."

"It is actually."

"Is it weird to see your dad with someone else?"

"It's always weird. I usually don't like his girlfriends but like I said Elise isn't that bad."

"Well who knows. She could be your next mom." I let out a groan and Yasmine laughs. "See you later." Yasmine gives me a hug and goes into her classroom.

I walk to my classroom and settle into my seat. Ryan comes and takes the seat next to me.

Yesterday Ryan hardly talked to me all hour which confused me. I thought after our studying day he would be more open but he was completely closed off.

"Hey." He says nervously.


"So uh are you busy tomorrow night?" He asks, his face growing red.

"I don't think so but I don't think I need any more tutoring-"

"Not for studying." He interrupts. He starts rubbing the back of his neck. "Like to go to a movie or something." Is he asking me out? I barley know him, much less like him in that way.

"Ryan. I don't like you, like you in that way."

"We can go as friends." He suggests. I study him and notice something behind his pleading but choose to ignore it.

"As friends?" I assure.

"As friends."

"Alright." His face instantly brightens.

"Great. I'll pick you up then." No way am I not giving myself an escape route after what happened with Drew.

"It's fine, I'll meet you there. What time?"

"Ashley I can pick you up its not that big a deal."

"I said I can drive." I say more sternly than I ment. "What time?" Ryan watches me for a few moments but complies.


"Okey I'll see you then." He flashes me a smile and pulls out his notebook for todays lesson.

"Don't forget your essay is due on Friday!" Ms. Daluka calls after us as the bell rings.

"I think she loves watching us suffer through these essays." Quinn says to me as we leave our English class.

"Tell me about it. I haven't even started mine yet." I mutter pulling my backpack strap up my arm.

"Ashley! Even I have start-" All of a sudden a foot catches on my leg and I make an aqantance with the floor.

"Ouch!" I yelp grabbing my knee. And then my face. And then my knee again.

"What was that for?" Quinn yells. I look up from the floor to three girls standing there laughing, who I think are from the cheer team.

"Maybe you should watch where your going." The girl in the front says.

"Maybe you shouldn't go around tripping people." Quinn states in a mocking voice while helping me up.

"Just watch where you step." She hisses in a menacing voice and walks away. I can't help but feel a double meaning behind her words.

"Come on." Quinn wraps her arm around my shoulder and I limp as she helps me walk away.

"Who is she?" I ask.

"Caitlyn Bragg." Quinn response in a snotty tone. "She's captain of the cheerleader team. She thinks she's all that. How do you not know her?"

"I don't know. I just don't pay attention to snotty brats like that."

"Preach!" Quinn yells and we break off into fits of laughter. "Maybe we should get an ice pack for your knee." I look down to my knee and see it starting to swell.

"Yeah, maybe that would be a good idea." Together we make our way to the nurse's office. Once in there she instantly makes her way over to me.

"What happened dear?" She asks with concern.

"I fell." I say not wanting to go into details.

"I'll get ice right away." She hurries into the back just as my phone buzzes with a text.

Drew: Photo sesh today after school?

At first I'm confused with how he got my number but than I remember I gave it to him. I type in a response.

Me: Sure.

"Who's that?" Quinn asks looking over my shoulder. She gasps. "Is that Drew?!"

"Sure is." I say responding to him about where to meet.

"I totally ship you guys." I give her a look and accept the ice from the nurse.

"Quinn it's just for a project. And I wouldn't date him anyways, not after Zack."

"Well I'm a hopeless romantic that can't help but hope."

"Hate to break it to you but your going to be waiting for a while."

So I know the chapter is short but just hang in there. BTW if I am able to get up to 50 votes I'll try and put in another chapter in Drew's point of view. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

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