Chapter 37

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"I still really think I should not be going." I say as Yasmine finishes my makeup.

"Your going. It'll be fun." Quinn says sternly doing her own makeup in the mirror in my bathroom.

"I don't want to go because it won't be fun because I could be going to my death!" I say exasperated.

"Nothings going to happen." Yasmine assures.

"And how do you know that?" I ask.

"Because we will keep a close eye on you. And going is a good idea so we can finally figure out the jerk writing these." Quinn says coming out of my bathroom. "Is it okay if I borrow something?" She asks pointing to my closet.

"Knock yourself out." I sigh laying in my bed.

"Don't mess up your makeup!" Yasmine calls from my bathroom. Suddenly a dress is thrown into me. I sit up to look at it. It's black with colored beads on the top, stopping mid thigh.

"So you think it will be okay?" I ask picking up the dress.

"Absolutely." Quinn comes out of my closet in a tight midnight blue dress, revealing alot if cleavage.

"Um, chica?" Yasmine says coming out of the bathroom in a purple high-low dress and eyeing what I noticed of Quinn's dress.

"Whatever." Quinn says blushing. "Do you think Preston will like it?"

"I don't know what kind of message your trying tell, but sure." Yasmine says.

"Great! Ashley get dressed, we have a party to get to!"

Yasmine parked her car three blocks from Rikers house since practically the whole school showed up like Drew thought.

"Put this on." Quinn orders handing me a mascarade mask as we reach his block.

"Do I have to?" I whine.

"Are you like trying to make me upset? Put on the damn mask!" Quinn yells throwing it at me. I know Quinn is all riled up because she's nervous about Preston but it still makes me upset.

"Okay, are you guys ready?" Yasmine asks, hand hovering over the doorknob.

"Yup!" Quinn bubbles, pushing on the door in excitement.

The loud bass hits me so hard I stumble back. There are people everywhere, girls in brightly colored dresses and guys in black tuxes, everyone wearing masks. All the lights are out, neon strobe lights the only illumination. It seams all the furniture has been moved out of the giant living room so people are able to dance.

I follow closely behind Yasmine as she makes her way to a table with drinks.

"Here!" Yasmine yells, handing me some punch, but after the first sip I know there's alcohol in it.

"Where's Quinn?" I call out to Yas. She points to a blue figure out in the dance floor with some guy, who I'm assuming is Preston. I guess the dress did work for her.

"Hey! You made it!" A voice calls. I turn around to face a boy.

"Drew?" I ask, making sure because it's hard to tell with the mask.

"Yeah, that's me!" He yells.

"Have you been drinking?" I ask smelling his breath.

"Absolutely not. Come here!" He crashes me in a tight hug, making me laugh because he is in fact drunk.

"Congrats on the win." I tell him once he's let go.

"Thanks! That team was not easy but we don't give up easily." He says boasting out his chest. I laugh at his cockiness.

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