Chapter 27

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Ahhhhh!!!! I'm at 1,000 reads!! This is crazy. Thank you to you all for sticking with me this long. I'm low key hyperventilating because I NEVER thought this would happen. So thanks for all the votes and reads. Maybe as a celebration you can all make a comment on this chapter... Anyways I also wanted to apologize for the late update and say a special thanks to @masterbookreader for all the comments and votes. Enjoy, my Wattpad friends.

I crunch one last time and and wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. Hauling myself up I walk over to the scale and step onto it. I sigh when the number finally stops increasing and hop off. Once I got home from Drew and I's chat, I had so much nervous energy I had to put it into something so for the past hour and a half I have been working out.

To put myself on the spot for someone to openly judge me has not been something I would ever have done but, I don't know, talking with Drew was kind of helpful. Helped me get stuff off my chest that has been there for a while and has been dragging me down. I think about what he said once we were leaving, about us not being so different. I never thought someone like him and someone like me to have so much in common.

But I know I can't belive anything he says about my weight. I will not bring myself to belive that I am skinny or that I don't need to lose weight. I am not perfect just the way I am. If I was I wouldn't feel the need to change.

"Do you think he's going to treat you differently?" Yasmine asks as we leave my locker. It's the end of the day and I just finished telling her about yesterday.

"I don't think so. I mean he's the one who wanted to know so he better not."

"Take it from me chica, you should take his advice and just love yourself and accept that your perfect just the way you are."

"Easier said than done." I say as we enter the main area to go to the parking lot. "Yasmine how did you learn to just not care about people's judgment?"

She thinks a moment before speaking.  "I don't know I just remeber that people's opinion doesn't matter and that I'm strong enough to be who I am without people judging me for it." I nod in understanding. As we almost reach the front door I spot Drew with his arm slung around the waist of some red head. I don't no why my heart drops a little but it does. Somehow Yasmine notices and stops walking, making me stop to.

"Hold in there chica, he'll come around." Startled I look at her.

"I don't like him Yas."

"Uh huh." She winks at me and heads over to her car. I roll my eyes and head over to mine. I don't like him. I don't. I just thought maybe he felt something. I know, stupid. I feel like I have a history of thinking guys have different intentions than they actaully have.

Once I get home and unlock the front door and step inside.

"How was school?" Nina asks from the couch where she's reading a magazine.

"Good." I say. "I'm just going to go change and get a workout in."

"What about your tutoring?"

"What about it?"

"Well a nice guy came over about five minutes ago and said he was here to tutor you. That you went to his house last week to for tutoring." Oh my god, Ryan is here. I bolt up the stairs to my room and whip the door open to find Ryan sitting on my bed.

"Get out." I growl.

"Not until you let me explain." He says getting up from my bed.

"Get out." I snap again.

"Can you stop being so damn stubborn and let me talk."

"No. You tricked me into thinking we were friends, and then you use me with the paparazzi and then you knock out Drew just because he was trying to protect me. You deserve nothing from me." I lean into my doorframe to hold me up from shaking so much.

"What happened between Green and I is none of your business." He snarls.

"Actaully it is. Drew told me how you dated Kora just to get an easy lay. It seems like you have a history of using girls for your own benefits."

"That is not true! She wanted to do it with me and told everyone I forced her." He yells angrily. "And yes it's kinda true I used you but-"

"I don't want to hear it." I whisper. Him being here is killing me. It's a reminder of how stupid I was to trust him and I will not stand here and let him tear me apart even more. "Just leave Ryan I-"

"I have eight siblings." He interrupts.


"I'm practically invisible in that home. Remember when we talked about how we're both practically invisible? How even though you're in the spotlight no one can see the real you. I can make great grades and be a goody goody but I'm nothing more than another mouth to feed in that home."

"What does that have to do with anything." Even though I can figure out where this is going I want him to say it.

"I liked hanging out with you Ashley. I liked making you laugh and seeing you smile."

"Don't." I whisper.

He continues. "But with your father being as famous as he is and you being in second hand fame I... well I thought it as a way to be something more than a mouth to feed. To be the new it couple, it was to tempting. You have to understand." He pleads. I stare at him for a few moments. So my theory was correct, he did this all just to be famous for a day. I wipe my tears away and lean into the door. Never again, never again, never again.

"You said what you want now leave."

"Ashley please, just say something. I'm sorry."

"Ryan I said leave!" I shout. I hear him sigh and watch as he leaves my room. He gives me an sorrowful look, locking his eyes with mine. I'm the first to tear our gazes apart and slam the door.

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