Chapter 11

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"Where were you this weekend? I tried calling you and texting but you didn't answer." Quinn asks as we make our way down the school hallway. I didn't answer her calls because I shut my phone off all weekend not wanting any more posts to get to me.

"It died and I couldn't find my charger."

"Oh, well you could have just bought another."

"Yeah." I yawn and rub my sleepy eyes.

Since my phone was off I didn't set my alarm and so I slept late. Nina had to rush in and wake me up, so I didn't really have time to style my outfit. So I just slipped on leggings and an old football sweatshirt that was my dads.

"So what did you do this weekend?" Quinn asks, stopping at her locker.

"Uh, well I had to meet up with Drew to work on a project for photography." I respond. Quinn's eyes go big.

"Drew Green? As in hotty football player Drew Green?"

"No, I mean asshole Drew Green from the football team," I correct.

"No, what did that hunk of gorgeousness do?"

"Nothing." I say, dismissively. Don't really want to talk about it at all.

"Well, whatever he did you say the word and I will knee him in the balls." I let out a laugh.

"I don't think that will be necessary. This is me." We stop in front of my Pre-Calc class.

"Ok. Remember my knee is here for you." I salute her and head into the class.

Already in his seat is Ryan. I sit down next to him and pull out my phone, sending a message don't talk to me.

"How was your weekend?" Aannnddd message failed.

"Just dandy." I say not looking up from my phone.

"Is that your boyfriend's sweatshirt?" I look down at my dad's old sweatshirt and let out a laugh.

"No it's my dad's. I don't have a boyfriend." I swear he just moved closer.

"Oh, my bad. Hey, you know my offer to tutor you is still on the table." As much help as I need with this class (I'm talking bordering a D) I still don't feel comfortable with him "tutoring" me.

"Um, I think I'm good." He gives me a slight nod and turns to Mr. Hellgrim.

"Class I have your tests you all took on Friday. I'm happy to say most of you guys did fairly well." Mr. Hellgrim says as he starts to hand our tests back.

I'm pretty sure I did decent on it. I studied my ass off so I better get a good grade.

When Mr. Hellgrim gets to us he hands us our tests. He hands Ryan his first and I peek over to see he got an A. He hands me mine and I almost double over at the grade.


How did I get a D-? I thought I was going to do well.

"So are you sure you don't want tutoring?" Ryan asks with a smirk. I roll my eyes and look again at the score. Maybe one session won't hurt.

"Fine. But just one." I regret my design right away once I see the full blown smile spreading across his face.

"Perfect, how's today after school?"

"Works for me."

When the bell rings I quickly pick up my stuff and leave the classroom. Trailing behind me is Ryan.

"So meet me after school and you can just follow me to my house."

"Okey dokey." I say while walking. Ryan falls into step with me.

"So what's your next class?" Okay bro, just because your tutoring me doesn't make us friends.

"Englis- oh!" Hands grasp me from around the waist and spin me around to face Zack. My heart starts pounding in my chest from his hands touching me there.

To my surprise he brings his lips to mine. Disgusted, I push him away.

"What's wrong babe?"

"What are you doing?" I ask, voice wavering.

"Tell me you didn't like it." He says with a smirk.

"Of course I didn't."

"After what happened the other night I was sure you'd change your mind."

"Well I didn't."

"Just come here. I'll make you change your mind." He pulls me to him and smashes his lips to mine again. I try to pull away but he's too strong. All of a sudden Zack falls over to the left of me grabbing his face in pain.

Ryan is standing next to me, looking at his balled fist in awe.

"What the hell man!" Zack yells at Ryan. Ryan doesn't respond. Instead he taps me on the shoulder and ushers me away dumbfounded through a bunch of people that crowded around.

"That wasn't really necessary," I finally say, breaking the silence.

"Of course it was. He had his hands all over you and forced you to kiss him." He says matter of factly.

"Yeah, you're right. So thanks." He gives me an easy going smile.


"Ryan is a hero!"

"What?" I ask looking up from my phone at Quinn. We are sitting at the library with her eating lunch. "How is that so?"

"He saved you from being raped! Ashley, how can you not get this?" I look at her wide eyed.

"I was not getting raped."

"You weren't? But people said-"

"Quinn this is high school. People twist stories."

"Well duh. I should have known. But he still saved you from something right?"

"Sure. If it makes you feel better."

"That's so cool. You're lucky, Ash, to have him falling for you. Let's face it, he's hot." There's Quinn for you. Only wanting to talk about boys.

"He's all yours. I don't want him."

"I'm all good, I got my Vince." I laugh at her and go back to my phone. Just then my stomach rumbles. Loudly.

In my rush to leave this morning I forgot to take my laxatives. Now that I actually pay attention to my stomach I realize how hungry I am.

"Are you hungry?" Quinn asks, eyeing me.


"Here." Quinn hands me half of her sandwich. Half of her fat filled calories induced but delicious sandwich.

"No, I'm good. And this is yours, I can't take it."

"Yes you can and you will. Here." She prys me hands open and pushes the sandwich inside.

I look down at it and feel my stomach clench. My brain is doing a mental calorie check. 79 calories per slice of bread, 104 calories in the cheese, about 150 calories for the meat, 39 calories for the tomatoes and lettuce. The list goes on.

No way am I consuming all that.

"Here. I'm really just not hungry." My stomach betrayed me and rumbled again. Quinn just gives me a look.

"Fine." I'll just purge it out later. I try not to purge too often because some of the side effects are like loss of hair and bad teeth.

But desperate times call for desperate measures.

I close my eyes and take a bite of the sandwich.

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