Chapter 13

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Drew's Point of View

I start running down the field as fast as I can and turn around at just the right moment to catch the football thrown by Zack. I cradle the ball and keep running until I make it to our end zone, dodging the other players trying to tackle me.

Once in the end zone, I drop the ball and catch my breath. I know this is only practice but I always push myself for my best.

Coach calls us over and we all jog to the side of the field.

"Great job! That's it for today. Practice tomorrow and game on Wednesday."

"Great catch, man!" Ricker comes and slaps me on the back.

"Thanks. I just wish it was that easy during the game."

"You make it look that way." I chuckle as we enter the locker room. I head to my locker and take off my shorts and drenched t-shirt.

I head into the shower and wash off all the sweat.

I leave the locker room and head through the school to get to the parking lot. I get stopped by a finger that grazes my arm.

I turn around to see Caitlyn, my current girlfriend, or girl of the week- same thing.

"Hi, Drew."

"Hi, gorgeous." She looks so hot in her little cheerleaders outfit. I swoop down and give her a kiss causing her to let out a giggle. She pushes me away.

"Save it for later. Wait for me, I'll just come with you."

"I wish but I have to work on a school project today with Ashley." Her face turns into one of disgust.

"The rich girl?" I let out a laugh.

"Yeah. But don't worry, we can hang tomorrow." I give her another kiss and wave goodbye.

I unlock my truck door and slip inside. I dial my sister as I reverse out of the parking spot.

"Kora speaking."

"Hey. Tell mom and dad I won't be home for another hour or two."

"Why not?"

"I have a project to work on."

"With who?" What am I, on trial?

"A girl from school."

"Is she your girlfriend?" Kora asks excitedly.

"Holy fu- frick no. We're just working on a project. Just tell them I'll be home late. Okay?"

"Okay. Bye, Drew."

"Bye, Kor." I hang up and put my phone in the mug holder. I love her but damn she can be annoying.

I pull up in front of Ashley's house while grabbing my camera from the backseat. The girl lives in a mansion and it's gorgeous.

Around her front door are a few paparazzi. They come up to me to ask questions but I dodge them to get to the front door.

I ring the bell and less then two seconds later Ashley's nanny slash maid answers the door.

"Oh, hi um, Drew, right?"

"That's me. I'm here to work on the project with Ashley."

"Okay I'll go get her." She lets the door slam in my face. Alrighty then. A few moments later the door opens again to a very sweaty Ashley. Not what I was expecting. She has on a large t-shirt and leggings with her hair pulled into a bun. I can't help but notice how skinny she is with boney legs and sharp facial features.

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