Chapter 5

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I find myself dreading third hour as the end of second hour bell rings. I don't want to sit with that weird Ryan guy again. He honestly just makes me feel uncomfortable. I sit in my assigned seat though and hope he doesn't show up. The tardy bell rings and the seat to my left is still empty. Hallelujah.

"Let's start by going over your homework from-" Mr. Helgrim starts but is cut off by the room door opening.

I swear the universe hates me because in walks Ryan.

"Sorry sir," Ryan mutters as he shuffles to the back of the classroom and sinks into the chair next to me. I let out a silent groan.

"Okay everyone! Settle down! Compare your homework with your partner and find the mistakes. You get seven minutes. Go!"

I turn to Ryan just as he pulls out the homework.

"So I uh got kinda confused on number seven." I say to him uncertainty. He's doing that weird staring thing again.

"Okay. You know I understand this stuff really well if you would want me to tutor you?" Trust me, what he wanted was far from tutoring.

"That's alright. I pretty much understand this." I say. I actually don't really get half of what comes out of Mr. Helgrim mouth but no way am I having Ryan tutor me.

"Well I'm here if you want it." He shrugs. We compare answers and sit the rest of the hour in silence. And it could have been me, but I swear he moved closer by the end of the hour.

I always thought it was funny how I have a photography class, even though I obviously don't have a good rap with them. But in order to graduate I have to take an art class and no way am I taking a painting or clay class.

So after my lunch with Quinn, well her lunch, me doing homework, I make my way down to the photography room. This has always been my favorite room in the building. Three of the four walls are covered in windows due to the room being a gut from the rest of the building, and the fourth wall is covered in photographs and drawings. I sink into a seat just as the bell rings.

"Afternoon, everybody!" Mrs.Smith calls. Mrs.Smith is a whimsical lady that never wears shoes or makeup. Her clothes are always flowing and I don't think I've ever seen her get upset.

"Today we will be introducing a new project. You will be partnered, and I am picking them. This project is called opposites. For example hot or cold, wet or dry, high or low, whatever. You are being assigned to take twenty pictures of ten opposites. I want quality work using all the techniques we have learned in class. You will have no classroom time for this because I want the pictures to be taken from around the city. It's due in three weeks. Okay, here are the groups! Mark and Sandy. Paige and Sam. Ashley and Drew. Rony and..."

I zone the rest out as I look around the room for Drew. I finally spot him sitting with a bunch of jocks not paying attention.

Drew is on the football team, who I'm sure doesn't give a fuck about photography. I mean I don't either but I want to get a good grade. Drew is also one of the biggest players at this school along with my ex-boyfriend.

Out of all the people in this class, I had to be paired with him. The universe truly hates me.

"You will have the rest of the hour to set up a schedule for you guys to meet to work on the project," Mrs. Smith says and whisps over to her desk.

I make my way over to Drew and wait in front of him until he looks up from his friends.

One of the guys notices me and winks. He taps Drew on the shoulder and he finally looks up. He looks me up and down with his eyes finally falling on my face.

"Well aren't you the little princess."

"Don't call me that."

"What can I do for you?"

"You're my partner."

"Aw, I see. The great Ashley Princess Roberts is partnered with a commoner like me." One of his friends snickers and I just give him a look.

"Look, I just want to figure out a schedule to meet up and you can go back to whatever you were doing."

"Don't you think that's a bit forward." I'm confused at first but then I understood what he was thinking of when I said meet up. I can feel my cheeks heating up and Drew just laughs.

"Don't worry Barbie, I was just joking."

"Don't call me that either." I can't believe he just called me that. I wrap my arms around my body self consciously.

He gets up while grabbing his backpack and making his way to an empty set of tables.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not a Barbie."

"Come on, you so are. You are like super skinny, always dressed nice. Yes, I noticed and you are super rich. If that doesn't spell out Barbie, then I'll just stick with Princess." His remark feels like a blow to the chest. I mean I knew people thought of me as some rich girl but no one but the media has ever said it to my face.

"Looks can be deceiving." I tell him.

"That they can." He studies me for a while and I can't help but look away. What's with all the staring?

"So, um, are you free this weekend? Tomorrow maybe?" I ask to get my looks off from our topic of conversation.

"Yes, actually. I have a football game tomorrow and after that the after party and after that I got a date." He wiggles his eyebrows at me when he says the last part.

"Of course you do." Probably just to get a good lay and on Monday not remember her name. I said he was a player and I meant it. "What time does the game start?"

"Two, but I gotta be here by one to get ready."

"Well then come at ten to my house."

"What? That's going to be so early." He whines. I roll my eyes.

"Get over it. Here's my address." I scribble my address on a sheet of paper along with my number. "So tomorrow at ten, got it?"

"Yeah, I got it. You know your kinda bossy, Barbie." I roll my eyes again and leave the classroom as the bell rings.


Thank you all for reading my new story. Sorry about all the typos. Don't forget to vote😉

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