Chapter 4

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I slam my car door closed and head into the house. In the kitchen I grab a small box of raisins which only have 42 calories. The laxative pill only lasts about the school day, and I don't want to turn into a toothpick. I just want to be skinny. The kind of skinny that when people look at me I want them to think, wow she looks really good, not, damn, she looks really sick and in need of some help.

Nina has the afternoons off so I'm on my own until six. In my room I change into an oversized t-shirt and spandex. I pop in another laxative pill and make my way into our workout room. Workouts have started to be my outlet to let out frustration on the media, judgments from people and the anger I see when I look in the mirror. I go over and step on the scale.

"Holy crap." I cringe. Not the weight I was expecting. How did this happen? I haven't eaten regularly in a few days. Definitely doing an intense workout today.

I start out with ab workouts until I'm so sore I can't do another crunch. I move into thigh toning workouts and end on the treadmill with a five mile jog. At five miles I push for one more. When I step off the treadmill I'm lightheaded and sweating. I step in the scale and see I've gone down some. So lightheadedness is totally worth it.

It feels good to know that I've made progress.

Ring, ring! I dig in my pocket for my phone and answer, not paying attention to who's calling.


"Hey Kiddo!"

"Dad hi!" I squeal into the phone.

"How are you doing? I don't think I've talked to you since last week."

"I'm fine," I lie. "How's your new movie coming along?" I ask to get the focus off me.

"So glad you asked! It's going great! Honestly I think it's Oscar worthy!"

"That's great dad. I'm happy for you."

"So, the reason I called is because I have a surprise for you." I love those words. The last time he had a surprise, I got Nico.

"Okay, what is it?" I ask excitedly.

"Well first off I'll be coming on Tuesday and leaving on Wednesday."

"Okay." I say waiting for the fun part.

"And I'll be bringing something along. No more hints."

"Come on dad."

"Nopety-nope. See you later Kiddo. Love you."

"You too." I hang up and stick my phone in my pocket. My dad is truly my best friend. Together we had to work through the death of my mom when I was four. He helped me through all the paparazzi and the fame. And I know he never tried to make himself seem more important than me, but it was evident.

When we walked across the street it wasn't me people wanted pictures of. It was my dad. And I know that obviously that would be the case but after a while it got to me. Sometimes I wonder if that's one of the main reasons I want to be perfect in people's eyes. So that they will notice me for me and not as Matthew Roberts daughter. The beautiful and talented Ashley Roberts.

I crack open my eyes and look over at the clock. 5:55. I have 5 more minutes until I have to get up. I shut off the oncoming alarm and go back under the covers. Here goes another day. At least it's Friday, that's a plus. I pull down the covers and hop into the shower, taking my time. Once I'm dried off and my makeup is done, I pull my hair into a braided half do. I pull on a plain purple dress that just reaches the middle of my thighs and pair it with brown boots. Stopping at the bathroom I pop in another laxative pill and head downstairs.

"Morning." Nina calls from the kitchen. I pick up Nico and pet his little fluffy head as I make my way into the kitchen.


"How'd you sleep?" She asks, grabbing some coffee.

"Fine. Dad called yesterday. He says he's coming on Tuesday and bringing a surprise." Nina's eyes instantly widen but she recovers quickly.

"That sounds nice." She quickly takes a big gulp of coffee. Suspicious.

"Nina, do you know something I don't?" I ask putting Nico back on the ground. He and Sutton chase eachother out of the room.



"Okay, fine. I know what the surprise is but Matthew says I can't say a word." I let out a frustrated grunt but don't venture any more. If anyone can keep a secret, it's Nina.

"Fine don't tell me. I'm off." I grab a yogurt from the fridge and wave goodbye. Outside there are less paparazzi than yesterday, but they are there nonetheless. Ignoring them, I hop in my car and throw the yogurt in my trash. Sorry, Nina.

After I park in the school parking lot, I head inside the building.

"Ashley!" I turn around to see Quinn running towards me with worried eyes. "O.M.G. I tried to find you yesterday but I couldn't. Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine. Yasmine came to the rescue, and quite honestly I overreacted." I give her a quick hug to reassure her but Quinn still looks at me questionably.

"Well, whatever it was it looked like it really upset you and I know I couldn't have let something roll off my back that easily. But you say you're okay?"


"Hey, hey, hey!" Yasmine comes up to us and gives each of us a hug. "Are you guys ready for tonight?"

"What's tonight?" Quinn asks.

"Hello? My party!" I respond. I try to have a party at my house every once in a while. That really is the only time I can stop caring what people think for one night, because, hey, they're all drunk anyways.

"Oh right! I'm gonna go ask Vince to come!" And with that Quinn runs off.

"Make sure to spread the word!" I call after her.

"Don't worry. That girl couldn't keep her mouth shut even if we held her at gunpoint," Yasmine states.

"True dat." I agree. Together we walk off to first hour.


I know it's kinda slow right now but please just be patient because things are going to be getting interesting. BTW in the next chapter or 2 we will be meeting Drew. Thanks for reading!

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