Chapter 25

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Once I found a room I swung the door open and closed it behind me while I slid down to the floor trying to calm by beating heart.

The door bangs behind me making my shoulders rock.

"Go away!" I yell.

"Ashley it's me." Quinn's voice says from behind the door. "Open it up or I'm barging in." I reluctantly open the door to see Quinn standing there in a karate position.

"Were you going to karate chop the door?"

"Yes I was. Now tell me why you ran. Is he a bad kisser?"

"No he is a good kisser!" I yell exasperated. "That's the problem."

"That's a problem?" Quinn asks completely confused.


"I'm sorry, I don't think I follow."

"I don't know. Maybe there was something behind the kiss and-"



"Or maybe Ashrew."

"Quinn what are you do-"

"No, Dreshley's the one!"

"Are you making couple names for us?" I ask completely disgusted.

"Yup! You guys are going to make such adorable babies!"

"Quinn!" I holler disgusted. She gives me a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, please continue."

"Anyways why else would the kiss be good unless I don't know-"

"You were ment to be together?" Quinn cuts me off.

"No, yes, I don't know!"

"Why wouldn't you want that to be the case?"

"After Zack and Ryan? No way. Quinn guys only come after me because of what I am not who I am and I don't think I can go through that pain again."

"I know what happened before but this is Drew Green!"

"Let's just not talk about this anymore. It was just a kiss right?"

Quinn gives me a knowing look. "Sure."

I stare at the clock on the wall again and beg for it to move so this class could be over. It's been four days since the whole spin the bottle issue. Once Quinn and I were done talking we had shimmied our way out of the window in the room which involved my boobs getting stuck in the window and me pushing on Quinn's butt. We ran out to her car and drove home. Yasmine was a little upset we left her but I couldn't bear the thought of seeing Drew. It would just be too awkward.

Since Monday and now today I've been ignoring Drew. Quinn as well as Yasmine have kept me from ever coming into contract with Drew as well as Ryan, which has proved very difficult.

Yasmine looks up from her history book we are sharing and stands up.

"I have to use the restroom but BRB." I nod and continue doing the assignment. A large smack hits the table causing my pencil to skid across the page. I look up suddenly and am met with the bitch herself.

"Yes Caitlyn?" I ask.

"What did I tell you?" She snaps.


"I told you to watch where you step, and you didn't. Drew broke up with me and there's really only one reason that would happen." Her eyes narrow as she speaks, sending chills down my spine.

"I didn't do anything and if you think Drew broke up to be with me than your crazy."

"Your lying!" She yells causing people to turn and look at us but she doesn't seem to notice. "Do you expect me to belive that he just suddenly broke up with me when he and your skinny ass became partners?"

"Yes I do. Maybe he realized the kind of dick that you are." I spit out. Her face becomes a deep red and for a moment I think she's going to explode but we both spot Yasmine coming in. Caitlyn leans in close to my ear and let's out a hot breath.

"Your digging a hole that you can't climb out of. Mark my words when I say this is not over." She steps back and gives me a sickly sweet smile and retreats to her table.

"What was that about?" Yasmine asks taking her seat back.

"Just a jealous girlfriend. She thinks I stole Drew from her." Yasmine let's out a laugh.

"Give me break!" I push down my feeling of panic and join her in her laughter. It was just an empty threat.


"Eat it." Quinn orders. I continue my stairdown with the soup still sitting in front of me. Quinn had brought chicken noodle soup her mom had made and is sharing some with me because in her words I look like those children you send money for in Africa. I know that couldn't be further from the truth but I can't seem to convince Quinn.


"Don't make me spoon feed you. Because I will." I roll my eyes at her worriedness and take a sip of the soup. It's delicious as expected. It's not I haven't eaten anything over the weekend. Nina made me eat on Sunday when she saw how I could barley get off the couch but that doesn't mean I let the stay in my stomach.

I finish the soup and instantly hate myself for eating it. Why am I so weak?

"I really have a use the bathroom. I'll be right back." Quinn waves me off now engrossed in a conversation with some guy. I get up and fast walk towards the girls bathroom. I whip around when I feel someone following me but no one's there.

When I open the bathroom door I'm thankful when no else is here. I open the first stall and lock it behind me. While bending over the toilet I stick by fingers down my throat and push on my stomach. After some gagging the food rises and I puke it out.

"Ashley?" I male voice asks. What the hell? Why is there a guy in here. I instantly stop purging and hop onto the toilet so no one can see my feet.

"Ashley I know your in here. It's Drew." My heart catches on my throat as I almost fall off the seat. No way Drew is in here. So I mange to avoid him all day but when I'm purging of all things he finds me. I see feet come up to my stall and Drew starts banging on the door.

"Open the door and tell me why the hell you're puking!" I slip off the toilet and slowly unlock the door. Drew's eyes instantly widen. I can only imagine how I look: messy hair, bits of puke still on my puffy face and bloodshot eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I question harshly. He looks taken aback but recovers and just turns angry.

"Well since you felt the need to completely ignore me the last few days I had nothing better to do but follow you and this was only chance I got without your friends sending me away. And now when I do get the chance to talk to you you're doing this." He points to the puke still in the toilet. I feel my face heating up and try to come up with an excuse.

"I'm sick." I lamely mutter. He gives me an unimpressed look.

"It's just I.. um..."

"You can tell me. I'm a good listener." He says suddenly calm. I look into his honest eyes and feel myself wanting to tell him everything. As unlikely as it is we have become friends and I'm sick of lying to him. I go and flush the toilet and turn back to Drew.

"Meet me after school if you really care to know." I say and leave him to make his decision.

Oh my. So this chapter took a year to write but thanks to some help it's finally done. Honestly I wasn't planning on having this reveal so early but here it is. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading.

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