Chapter 41

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I angrily throw clothes into my suitcase causing Sutton to jump out of the way when it hits her instead.

Drew ignored me all week making me go from sad to upset. Okay, I get that he hates Ryan and everything but he like helped rescue me and everything. Shouldn't that count for something?

It makes me even more upset because I actually like him and he's turned his back on me now. Is he jealous? Maybe Quinn is right and he does like me and he's jealous that I may like Ryan.

That idea warms my heart but I can't give myself hope. That only leads to being hurt.

I glance at the clock and I realize yet again how ridiculously early it is. Three thirty-nine. Honestly, kill me.

"Ashley, the cars here to take you to the airport!" Nina calls from downstairs. I grumble as I zip up my bag and grab my carry on. Sutton follows me out of my room and down the stairs. Nina is waiting for me with a jacket.

"This time of year in New York is quit cold." I nod as I take the jacket from her. "Well have fun!"

"Thanks Nina." I sigh. Someone clears their throat at the door. I hadn't even noticed anyone else here. A large man stands at in doorway.

"I'm George. I'm to take you to the airport and to your terminal."

"Okay. Bye Nina." I give her one last hug. "And get to bed it's too early to be up."

I follow George put of my house into the cooler early morning air to his limo waiting for me. It's still dark out. "Have you been to New York before?" He asks as he opens the door for me.

"No." I don't offer anything more and he doesn't ask for more. He puts my bags in the trunk and goes to the driver's seat.

He drives in silence which I'm grateful for. My mind keeps wondering to Drew against my wishes. I don't think I've ever felt this way before.

We pull into the airport in some secluded area. "This is where we'll get off." George says as he gets out of the limo. I don't wait for him to open the door for me as I get out and wait as he gets my bags.

"I can get those myself." I say to George who must think my arms are cut off because he keeps walking with my bags in toe.

"No need." I sigh and follow him into the giant airport. Since it's so early in the morning, there isn't a significant amount of people but it's still enough that makes me uneasy. I'm glad to know George is with me. "Follow me."

As if I was going to leave him.

George leads me up escalators and down elevators until we end up at the security check point. "What about my ticket and my bags?" I ask.

"Here's the ticket." He says digging in this pocket and handing me a slip of paper. "As for the bags I'm going to go drop these off. Once you get through security just go to terminal B68."

"Okay." I say hesitantly.

George must since my unease because his eyes soften. "You'll be fine. The plane isn't set to leave until four fifty five. You have plenty of time."

"Okay. Thank you." He nods and leaves.

Once though security, I find my terminal surprisingly easily, just following the arrows and settle into a seat. I pull out my phone and see two missed calls from Drew. My heart leaps but I immediately settle it back down. He's probably just calling to tell me how stupid I was to forgive Ryan and how upset he was with me. But why would he call at four twenty two in the morning?

Whatever. I won't let myself get upset over this all over again. I've shed enough tears. I think back to Tuesday, the day after the fight, and how we could have partnered again in photography since we're beginning another project. My hopeful eyes had traveled to Drew who happened to be looking at me. But instead of brightening like his eyes usually did, they narrowed and flashes of hate traveled though them. He turned to his jock football friends and completely ignored me. I can still feel the way my heart broke at the sight of his back to me.

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