Chapter 23

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"Yasmine I just really don't want to be here right now." I whine to Yasmine.

"I don't care. Your not going to mope in your home all day chica. It's just not right."

"I'll tell you what's not right. Forcing me to come." I mumble.

"Just follow me. I'll find you a distraction."

"I don't want a distraction. I want my couch." I follow behind her against my protests until she upruptly stops.

"Why'd you stop?" Yasmine points to some guy making his way towards us. We'll more like towards Yasmine. I move from behind her to get a better look and that's when I see Drew a little ways behind already watching me. He looks slightly stunned to see me but than a smile spreads across his face and he pushes his way over.

"Hey." I say once he reaches me.

"Hey. You look nice." He looks in pain but recovers quickly.

"Thanks. Quinn wouldn't let me leave the house in my sweats." This is true. She locked me in my own room until I came out in something presentable.

"Can I get you a drink?" He asks.

"Sure." I follow Drew over to a counter full of drinks. He pours me some dark liquid and hands it to me like a true gentlemen. Definitely an upgrade from Ryan and Zack. I manage to take a small sip before my stomach starts rolling around. I don't need the fat that is present in this small little cup. A boy with blonde curly air comes up behind Drew and taps him on the shoulder, eyeing me the entire time.

All of a sudden someone grips my wrist and pulls me away. I whip around and my eyes go wide when I see that's it's Ryan the one holding my wrist.

"Let me go!" I shout thrashing at my wrist. My heartbeat skyrockets once I see the crazed look in his eye

"Not until you let me explain myself." He shouts.

"Ryan please, let me go!"

"Please, I just need you to hear me out!" Ryan yells.

"No, what you did was unforgivable. Now let me go!" I cry out. No way am I letting him take me anywhere private. He's who I've been trying to forget over the last few days and now he's right in front of me and it's literally tearing me apart. Suddenly Ryan bangs into the floor, his grip falling from my hand.

"Didn't she tell you to let her go?" Drew growls out of nowhere. Ryan turns to face Drew and his whole face darkens.

"Green this doesn't involve you." Ryan spits.

"Really? Because it seems like it completely involves me. Kora was heartbroken because of you." Ryan heaves up from the ground and goes chest to chest with Drew.

"Green your so stupid. When are you going to learn to let. Things. Go."

I watched in horror as Ryan lunged and knocked Drew out.

"What is wrong with you?" I yell at Ryan. His eyes go wide for a second, then he scurried out of the house like the rat he is.

By now the music has been shut off and everyone is standing around us. With my head spinning I bend down to Drew and poke his shoulder.

"Drew? Drew wake up!" I plead. I feel a hand in my shoulder and turn to see Quinn.

"Come here." She helps get up but I can't help but want to stay with Drew. I am the reason he is currently unconscious. Two boys push their way to the front of the crowd, one I recognize as the guy who was talking to Drew earlier. They lift Drew up by the armpits. Drew groans in protest which is a big relief. He's alive! And no, I am not overreacting.

Against Quinn's protest I follow the three boys to the couch and sit down next to Drew.

"Ashley, we should really go. I think the cops are on their way." Quinn says nervously.

"She's right chica." Yasmine says coming up to us. "People are skedaddling and we should too."

"I can't just leave him. I'm the reason he's in this mess." I say.

"Pres and I will get him into our truck. You can follow us to our house if you want but your friend is right, we really need to go." The blonde haired one says.

"Okay. Do you need help?" I ask.

"No we're fine. Just follow us." I nod in agreement and follow Quinn out to her car and wait for the boys to bring out Drew.

"Why do you care anyways whether he's okay or not." Yasmine asks.

I couldn't really answer that question. I mean I'm part of the reason he's currently practically unconscious, but the other part is that Ryan and Drew have that rocky past involving Kora. But I also can't help but slightly care about him. Not in like a like way but maybe because we've grown closer over the last week with spending so much time together. All I know is that I have to know he's going to be okay.

"I don't know, I just do." Yasmine and Quinn share a look up in the front seat and I roll my eyes. "Whatever your thinking, forget it. I don't like Drew like that. And I'm in no need of a relationship thank you very much."

"We weren't implying anything." Quinn spills innocently.

"Uh huh."

"There they are. Let's go!" Yasmine shrieks. Two police cars round the corner and Quinn ignites the engine. We quickly roll away with the boys truck behind us.

"I have no idea where we're going." Quinn whispers as we blindly drive into the night.

"Pull over at the next block and let them drive in front of us." I suggest.

Quinn follows suit at the next block and allows for the truck to get in front of us. Quinn follows them until she let's out an ear splitting scream.

I know this chapter is having problems but hang in there. Thanks for reading!

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