Chapter 36

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"Do you know number five?" Yasmine asks. I look at my history notebook and shake my head.

"No." I reply. She huffs and goes back to looking through the her book.

"You get the rest of the hour to work on your assignment. It's to be turned in when the bell rings." Mr. Richards announces causing a groan to leave all the students in the room.

I look at my almost blank paper and lean back in my chair. "I'm never going to finish this." I complain.

"You do the first half and I'll do the second. Okay?" Yasmine suggests.

"Okay." I sigh. I don't get past one problem before I notice Yasmine just starring off into nothingness.

"Hey, Yas, what's up?" I ask tapping her wrist. Her gaze snaps off me and back to her notebook.



She sighs and runs a hand through her hair. "It's just, I thought Riker and I were friends you know? We were like hanging out at the amusement park but now he's avoiding me. I don't know chica, did I like do something wrong?"

"Oh no, you didn't do anything wrong. It's actually while you were in the bathroom he was going to win you some bear to woo you but Quinn and I told him you were lesbian and he got uncomfortable."

"Oh, that makes more since. I don't see why that would matter though."

I shrug. "I don't know, boys don't make since."

"Amen to that."

I walk into the library to meet Quinn and Yasmine for lucn but am stopped by a tap on the shoulder. Two sophomore looking girls look me up and down with unimpressed faces.

"Yes?" I ask annoyed.

"You know I thought she would be nicer." One whispers to the other probebly thinking I can't hear her. Her friend nods in agreement.

"You know if you guys are just going go stand there-"

"No, we actually have something to say. My parents heard commercials about some movie your dad is staring in and want his autograph and stuff." She offers me a peice of paper. "Can you get it for us please?"

I stare at them for a few blundering moments, can't believeing my ears. They aren't serious are they?

"Yeah, no." I say and turn on my heel. I hear thrm talking as I walk away.

"I thought like famous people were supposed to be nice and stuff."

"Yeah, and like pretty and skinny." I clench my hands, letting my nails dig into my palm. I will not get upset.

I go to our usual table but no one is there. Quinn is usually here before me so this is odd.

“Ashley!” I turn in my seat to see Quinn waving at me from the library doorway. She motions for me to come so I gather my backpack and meet up with her.

“What are you doing?” I ask confused. Around the corner I see Preston leaning against the wall, probably waiting for Quinn. “Wait! Don't tell me you're ditching me for him.”

“No, absolutely not. Pres wants us to sit with him and his friends from now on at lunch. I came to get you. Yasmine is already in the lunchroom.”

“No no, no. You know I don't sit there anymore.” I say sternly to Quinn. “I thought you already knew this.”

“You're right , I do but I think it's about time you got out of your little bubble of comfort. Come on.” She says sticking out her lip and pulling on my arm.

“Quinn.” I whine.

“Nope, come on.” We reach Preston, making Quinn and him go off into a conversation while I dread what’s about to happen. I haven't been in the lunchroom in ages, I don't even know what to expect.

I can hear the loudness almost four doors down from the lunchroom door. Preston and Quinn lead me into the room, but I stumble at the sight of it. All the people milling around carrying lunch trays, sitting with friends, laughing and just enjoying their break from learning. All to sudden I’m reminded of the last time I was in here, when that girl made fun of me for eating. I don't belong here.

“Quinn I think I’m just going to go back to the library.” I say trying to loosen her grip.

“There they are!” She says ignoring me and pointing to a table smack dab in the middle of the lunch room where Drew, Riker, Yasmine and some other girl were sitting. Next to their table all the other football players are sitting like Zack and cheerleaders like Caitlyn. Yeah, I definitely can't do this.

Of course though Quinn ignores my protests and practically drags me over to to the table. “Sit.” She orders, pushing me into a seat between Yasmine and Drew.

“You know you still aren't off the hook for making me go on that rollercoaster and this will just add to that long list of reasons to murder you in your sleep.” I tell her narrowing my eyes. She waves me off and turns to Preston.

“You know Barbie, I think you secretly liked it. Getting to hold my hand and all.” Drew says to me.

“No, I didn't. It was one of the most frightening moments of my life.”

“Well it was worth it chica.” Yasmine says to me.

“Yeah, especially that priceless look on your face the whole time!” Riker adds.

“Shut up.” I say more embarrassed now that upset. My eyes wonder around the table and land on the girl next to Riker. I shake Drew's arm and point to the girl. “Who’s she?”

“Paisley. Rikers sister.” If I had food in my mouth, I definitely would have spit it across the table in astonishment, they look nothing alike. Riker has curly blond hair, brown eyes. Riker is also well built.The girl, Paisley, has pixy cut red hair, and freckles and a tiny frame. All in all, they look nothing alike. Drew must read my mind because he laughs at me.

“Yeah, don't look much alike huh?”

I shake my head. “Not at all.”

“Paisley!” Drew calls. The girl looks over from her conversation with her brother and over to us. She offers a warm smile at us and a wave. “I’d like you to meet Ashley.”

“Hi!” She squeaks.

“Hello.” I reply waving back, trying not to laugh at how high pitched her voice is. So not like her brother.

“So Ashley, are you going to the masquerade ball, party thing Friday night?” she asks. Confused I turn to Drew.

“Friday we have one our last game of the season so Riker is hosting a party at his house afterwards.” He explains. “All the football guys are going but I’m sure the whole school will be there.”

“We’ll be there!” Quinn shouts sending me a look as if to say if I don't agree she will be the one murdering me in my sleep.

“Yeah, sure, I guess we’ll be there.” I agree.

“Ya!” Paisley claps. I can't help but smile, her excitement contagious All of a sudden a paper airplane comes out of nowhere and hits Yasmine in the forehead.

“Are you okay?” I ask her.

“Yeah, but...” She studies the airplane and hands it to me. “It’s for you.” I take it from her and see she’s right, my name is written on the airplane in cursive. My Stomach knots up as I unfold the plane to see exactly what I was expecting.

A letter: I warned you your time was coming to a close which it makes me smile to know. All you have done to cause me pain and humiliation but that is almost over. Who am I, you ask? I don't expect you to figure it out, you don't care about me anyways… Have fun at the party, Ashley.

So thanks for the comment and earning the early update! I’m so excited for the coming chapter or two because a lot is going down, so stay tuned!

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