Breaker 5 + Announcement

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Hey Guys!

And we're back to another breaker (before an announcement that you may be annoyed about) so let's get straight into the questions.

1. What happened with that last section/arc? I mean, seriously, seventeen chapters? That's a little over your usual limit... what happened there?

Well... You see... I decided to make that the second last arc - so longer chapters and a few more of them. You can expect the same sort of thing in the coming arc (the last of this book). The reason I decided to do this was very simple: it was becoming too long. I have a schedule laid out for what I need to get finished when and, at the pace I was going, I wouldn't be finished by the end of the year. Yes, I do intend to finish Frozen Flame by the end of the year - preferably a little while before the end of the year. So... yep. 

2. Um... inconsistencies? Like, ages, some character details etc from the first chapter to the current...

Yep. I am well aware of them. There are some things that are meant to be there (for spoiler reasons) but the ones that aren't - ages, appearance stuff etc - I will go fix up when I edit. I only made a full list of everything relatively recently, and I know I go back and check the previous chapters whilst writing, but there are so many chapters in this and often so sparse detail in everything, that I get a little confused sometimes. So, it's left up to the editing. :D

3. About the editing... what happened there?

No time. That's what happened. I have a busy schedule and right now I'm more focused on actually finishing the book than editing it. I know what I'm going to do for all the editing, it's just going back and actually doing it. I have a very busy life that revolves of a lot of time off wattpad in jobs etc, so I can't spend as much time editing as I'd like. Sorry!

4. You know how you mentioned some stuff about a cool surprise thingy when you finish the book, several chapters back? Why did you stop saying that?

*Confused face* Um... Yeah... It's still happening, I just stopped saying it because I realised how far off we were from the end of the book. People would just get confused etc... BUT it's still happening and you can quote me on it! Seeing as we're onto the last arc of the book now, I think I can mention it without confused glares. ;D Here it is: 

I will be offering audience engagement questions with both myself and the character (so you can ask the characters questions) AND I will allow you to decide a little art thing for some or a few of the characters that I will do.

That probably doesn't make sense now, but I will explain in greater detail when we get to that stage. For now though, let me give you a little taste of what you can expect.

Bob! You can come in now!

Bob: Walks in, arms crossed. So, I'm answering questions?


Bob: This is stupid. We're not even up to that section yet.

*Raise my eyes to the heavens* This is a test run. A. Test. Run. *sigh* Just answer the question.

Bob: You haven't asked it yet.

*Glare* I'm well aware, thank you, Bob. Okay, here it is: What are you doing at the moment? Not this very second, but just in general...

Bob: Raises eyebrow. That's not only a stupid question but also very uninventive. 

Just answer it.

Bob: Okay, fine... Something proactive and intelligent with decisive movements that allows me a whole heap of free time I can kill-

Shut up.

Bob: I thought you wanted me to answer your questions...?

*Shake my head* Just go.

Bob smirks and leaves.

Do you see what I have to deal with? Anyway, that brings us to the announcement.

So, Frozen Flame is going to go on hold- Wait, wait! Don't leave yet! No! Come back! I haven't finished explaining! Okay, you back? Thank you. As I was saying, Frozen Flame is going to be put on hold for one month. A singular month. That's it.

My reasoning for this is that I actually have another work going at the moment called When They Were Gone. This was a very conceptual story when it started and, thus, needs a lot of work on story, tension, character etc. Because I intend to enter this into the Wattys and they're coming up, I decided to use this upcoming month to dedicate more time to When They Were Gone (I also have yet to finish it, so I'll be focused on that too). 

It'll be a bit of a mess for this upcoming month but [/shameless advertising/] if you want to read it, it's a dystopian magical realism with (like Frozen Flame) some lovely psychological elements and a bit of mystery/thriller. Also romance. A lot, I know, but I can't help it. Its genre is a little confused. 

Here's the current blurb: 

[After finding common interests, a hacker and a war commander must join forces to find a vigilante terrorist whilst escaping their totalitarian government. 


The State and the Sovereign have been at war for years. Two totalitarian forces that control their society's every move. But a hacker and a war commander refuse to accept such obvious dictatorship and rise up. Banding together despite their differences, they attempt to search for a way, any way, to bring their twisted government to their knees. 

Meanwhile, a girl wanders through a foreign land, desperately attempting to block her past and fill her loneliness. However, from her psychological hardship stems only destruction as objects disappear with each step. Bombs. Guns. Weapons. The State's panic grows. And in her damage, she has no comprehension of the consequences. For, with just a click of her fingers...

It had to go.

It had to go.

They had to go.]

Right. [More /shameless advertising/] If you'd like to read some shorter stories because, like me, you have no time in your life, I have two inspirational short stories entitled:

The Two Angels: [Two angels descend to Earth on Easter with the intention to explore humanity. However, after experiencing different sides to humans, they begin to realise the Earth is quite a different place from what they'd previously imagined.]

Blades: [Ice offers comfort to many and, although it seems like an oxymoron, it holds especial truth to this young boy whose fear of the world around him often keeps his eyes shielded from the truth.

So, he comes to the ice. He skates. And he imagines. He imagines a world without hardship, a world without humanity's difficulties, a world at peace, a world where he feels comfortable. And, perhaps in such a world, he can find the courage to face his own reality.]

Right, that's enough of that. Just wanted to get a thing out there. :D

Hope you all have a fabulous day and month! Enjoy your beautiful selves as much as possible and don't hide too much. ;D

Love you all!

*Hearts come closer to one another as they feel the brilliance of love's light*

- Sylvia Shadow

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