Chapter 33: Barrier of Freedom

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Fire Temple

The great door closed, leaving a resounding echo in its wake. The stones sealing its figure closed, sealing away any mention of the entry to the children's bedroom cells.

Heavy breathing, pulsing through the rooms, started slowing down. As one, each child turned to their doorways and spoke three words: "Is he gone?"

The answer, written in fire, came almost immediately. 'Yes. However, you shouldn't be too pleased. He's sure to be in immense pain shortly.'

As one, the children's faces turned stern. "Open the door."

The fire whispered its flames across the wall, seemingly reluctant. 'As you wish.'

Stone shuddered as the door began to lift. Each block of stone too seeming reluctant. Yet, the children's stern voices awoke them, and they moved.

The children walked forward, dreamlike, into the large meeting space which separated their 'cells'. Conjugating in the centre, they stared at one another.

Alec spoke first. "What was that about?"

Rav stood in silence, as did Ebb. Slowly Rav raised his head and spoke. "I..." he paused. "I'm not sure."

Ebb, ever the glass half full, spoke next. "Maybe it was mum. Or uncle Jared. Maybe they're trying to get us out of here."

"Yes," that was Alec. "I'm sure they are. I just hope they don't bargain away anything important."

Elena, inside her bed of dresses, began pushing open the drawers. Her arms scrabbled for leverage, for anything to grab onto to help her desperate escape from the clothes that smothered and enveloped.

Rav's face turned white as he remembered she was in the same vicinity as them, as his mind shot to Elena overhearing what they had just said. Oh, he hoped she didn't hear. Who knew how she would treat them if she knew!

Ebb and Alec, realising her plight, quickly rushed over to help. They pulled open the draw and Alec, ever the gentleman, offered her his hand. Her hand slid into his and she lifted herself up and out of the drawers.

His lips pulled up at the corners until his face merged into a nervous grin. "Well, that was interesting... Are you alright?"

He paused.

She was staring at him oddly.

So, he repeated himself. "Are you alright?"

She shook her head before smiling back at him. "Sorry, you just reminded me of someone for a moment. Yeah, I'm fine."

He backed away as they all made their way into the central area. Rav stood there, a frown upon his face and a hand slightly raised.

"Elena," he began, walking forward hurriedly. "Did you hear what the Fire Lord said?"

Calmly and placated, she answered him. "Yes, I did. I think it would have been a little difficult not to hear him from where we were."

Rav nodded and asked the question that appeared to have been sitting on the tip of his tongue. As it leaped from his mouth, his eyes turned calculating as he predicted her answer. "Do you know where the Fire Lord was going or who the letter was from?"

She frowned and licked her lips. "No. But I do have a few theories. I'm thinking, from they way he was speaking, the anger he was showing, that it was someone from Ice. However, considering he just came back from the Fire Council, his emotions aren't anything to tell by."

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