Chapter 44: A Shaky Moment

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Fire: South-Western Central State (SWC) – Lord Delro's Base


This time the Fire Lord spoke first. "At this point in time, Thorn is being punished for his abandonment of the throne and the killing of our parents. Therefore, I do not believe it would be the right thing to forgo this punishment and hand him straight over to be killed." He looked over at Delro and smiled. With that one line, he had won himself a convinced party member.

"That's understandable," Delro agreed. "I believe it should be fine for this punishment to take place... so long as he is killed once this punishment is finished. And... I think it would be best if we're all there to witness it..."

The Fire Lord smiled. "Yes, of course. That's actually what I wanted to discuss. I intend to put on a spectacle of sorts as a final punishment. This punishment involves his children, of which was the reason why I took them, and after it is completed, Thorn will be killed. I would like to invite the whole of the Council and of course, you're welcome to bring as many of your guards as you would like... as many people as you would prefer..." He winked at Fawtor only to be met with a vicious scowl. "And Delro," he turned to him. "I may require your help for some of the elements...?"


Delro only smiled, nodding in agreement to the request of help. Standing, he announced his departure, wishing safety to their travels.

The other two stood as well, not safe in the loneliness of each other's presence. Raising his head, the Fire Lord softly and sweetly said, "I'll let you all know the time this performance will take place, prior several weeks."

"Wonderful, I'll be in contact with you about everything and alert Cas. He'll alert the rest of the Council to the placement of everything." Then, with a wink, he turned around, hurrying away, "I have an appointment with several of my Nobles on the other side of my state, so I won't be in contact for a few days. Take care!" And he was gone.

The Fire Lord turned to go however a breath in his ear quickly stopped him. He stood still as stone, aware of every part of his delicate body.

Rough hands quickly turned him around to face glaring eyes. A low voice followed those eyes, creeping through Svorn's defences, "I know you think you've gotten the best of me, but I am not a subject. I am your father's brother. I am your uncle. And I am the most powerful person in all of Fire." His hand crawled along the plane of Svorn's stomach before it reached his side. As it gently pressed down, pain rippled through Svorn's side causing him to gasp. "I could have you taken from the throne in an instant."

Through the pain, Svorn opened his mouth, blocking all other senses, "Then why don't you?"

Fawtor's hand dropped and he took a step towards Svorn, surrounding his personal space. His fingers brushed up Svorn's chest before latching around his throat. "Oh, I want to. I would kill you, destroy you, rip you to ribbons along with that filthy brother of yours. That and much worse... if the Council didn't exist. Unfortunately, they would go against me... and then I would be handling far too many people to take care of by myself." He let go, tracing his fingertips down the red neck he'd left behind. "Sadly, I can't..."

He stood back as Svorn coughed, hands wrapping around himself, bent over. "You-" Again, he coughed. "You are a fool... to think... you could best me." He slowly rose, the defiant mask slipping back on. "I'm not a toy you can just chuck around, I'm a human being. I will fight back."

Fawtor chuckled, stepping forward again, causing Svorn to flinch back. "Then fight back." Another step. "Come on." A smile. "Show me." He grabbed Svorn's arm and pulled him forward, causing a trip which Fawtor then used to push him into a kneeling position. Fawtor bent over, whispering in his ear, "I think you already know this... you must... I hate you. More than I can bear. More than anything else in this world." He crowded over him, staring down at him like he was an insect. "My brother should never have chosen his children as his next heirs. Never. But... even Thorn on the throne, having already killed your parents, still would have been far better than you. Miserable, arrogant, petty child you are." His eyes sparked... quickly drawn back, as his forehead crinkled in confusion.

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