Chapter 68: Fight Time

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Fire Temple Arena

The click of his tongue, the tap of his fingers, a sigh as he closed his eyes and leant back, taking in the cheers, the cries, the restless energy filling the stadium. Not long now... Bored... A tap on his shoulder. He turned towards the motion, raising a questioning brow, "Yes?"

Lord Cas smiled back at him, causing Svorn's hurried composure change. "Not that this isn't entertaining and all, but some of the other Council are beginning get become a little impatient. You did promise us something that would get our blood boiling afterall." A spark lit in Cas's eyes, causing his smile to grow infinitely wider and a dark glow to form his face in a malicious image.

Although Cas may seem calm and friendly, always with mirth in his eyes, there was always that malicious intent that all the Council Members had, lurking just below the surface. And if Cas, perhaps the tamest of them, had this much wicked desire welling in anticipation, there was no telling how much more dwelled inside the others at this moment.

He leant forward, stroking Svorn's shoulder with the same gleam as Svorn rolled his eyes in feigned annoyance. "I think the audience is amped up enough. Now would be a great time to bring out the surprises..."

Svorn nodded, very much aware of the looming danger that could erupt if he disagreed. "Yes, now would be a good time. I'll go bring them out."

The smile, if it was possible, largened. As Cas whipped around, gliding for the back entry, he continued with a flick of his tongue. "Good. I can't wait – I can already feel my senses tingling at the thought!" He paused. "I'm not sadistic or anything, but the idea of this type of battle is getting me excited!" With a chuckle, he was gone.

That was a good point. However, the Council member he was most worried about, sat in the front row, hand placed around his young wife's shoulders as she sat rigid, holding her daughter's hand. Lord Fawtor. He was patient, very patient. But his patience was no doubt wearing thin, and when that happened... Well, the outcome wasn't good.

Svorn stood, moving swiftly out the door, down the steps to the edge of the arena where he stopped. With a raised hand, he brought one of his soldiers over, sighing as they frantically stumbled, trying to bow to him. "You're supposed to be the best fighters in this region; you're supposed to be making me look good... why are you always tripping over yourself whenever you respond to me?"

Biting his lip, the soldier raised his head, attempting to answer. "My lord, your father set the boundaries for who would enter the Fire Temple as guards and soldiers... If I remember correctly, the rules stated we weren't to be the best and we were to be weak in some area so as not to become any sort of threat to the throne. We were to be numerous and replaceable, suited to do our duties and not much past that, the reason being because the Fire Temple itself was the most powerful guard. I am a guard of the Fire Temple, and so these rules applied to me. Only half of your guards and soldiers stationed here at the moment go by the normal soldier rules set outside the Fire Temple. You organised it be this way 'in case any Council Members go on a rampage'." He swallowed. "Sir, my lord."

Another exasperated sigh. "I didn't need you give me an essay; it was a rhetorical question."

The soldier's eyes widened, and he bowed his head lower. "I'm sorry, my lord!"

With a wave of his hand, Svorn continued. "No matter. I need you to go to the children's room and tell the guards we're beginning."

Saluting awkwardly, the guard stood and ran away, quickly escaping to do his king's wishes.

Svorn, stepped down the last aisle as the latest fight finished up, the arena grounds swivelling around and climbing back up to its usual, flat position. As the winner of the match strode off and the loser's body was swept off the ground, Svorn entered the floor, indicating that the amplifiers direct themselves towards him. Spotting his movement immediately, the amplifiers jogged onto the floor, running up to where he had stopped on the arena stage.

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