Chapter 7: Suspicion

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Ice Kingdom

Jared frowned, trembling slightly as he looked up at Eliza with an element of fear, confusion and concern. He raised his hands. "Eliza, calm down. It's alright, let's get you to a medic. Then we'll talk about this later." 

He tried to stand, but Eliza pushed him back down, placing a fiery clenched fist beneath his chin. "Where are they? Where did you put them?"

He swallowed. "Eliza... listen to me... I don't know what you're talking about. I did not take your children. I would never dare to hurt them. Just come with me, and I'll take you to a doctor. Okay?"

She placed her hand against his skin for a second and he yelped. Then she drew it away and repeated her question with eyes of rage. "Where are my children?"

Jared closed his eyes for a second, trying desperately to think of some way out of his situation. What would Bob do? What would Bob say? No... What would I say if I was thinking straight? A breath out and he opened his eyes. "Eliza. Please explain why I'm the culprit. You know as well as I, that I did not send that message to myself. I have no reason I can't think of, to want to hurt you in any way." Another breath. "I get along with your children. I do. And, I know you didn't give birth to them, but I know you love them as if you did. And I promise I would never want to hurt you." A swallow. "Please tell me. Why am I the culprit?"

She just stared at him. Then spoke. "There were guards, Ice guards, your personal guards watching us for days. Why?"

"Because..." He was very careful with his words. "They were there as extra protection, to guard you in case anything actually happened. I didn't think it would. But now they're lying dead outside, so I suppose..."

"Then, why did they attack me?"

Jared frowned. "What? No, they were on strict orders to stay away and only help you if you were attacked by outside forces. Why would they...?"

"Some of them followed that instruction. Some of them attacked me - presumably to keep me busy - whilst another group of people I did not see, attacked my children." She clenched her teeth together at him. "I wonder why?"

He raised his hands, attempting to physically deflect her accusations. "I promise you, I had no idea. I would never have done anything to harm you or lessen your safety."

Her jaw tightened. "I know about the king's gift."

He froze.

"You would know if anyone left Ice. You would know who, you would know when. I've been thinking over the past couple days... You knew when Thorn was taken, yet you acted surprised on pretence. Trying to fool everyone, to appear a victim of the circumstance." She paused. "But you knew he was taken, you knew by who, and you did nothing about it. Why? Because you organised it. Because you were a traitor to Ice - you are a Fire sympathiser, working with the Fire Lord. He told you about us. You knew about us all this time and were just waiting to make a move, to spring your plan upon us!"

Jared's eyes widened slightly in a mixture of shock and surprise. But Eliza continued on.

"And you planned everything perfectly with him. You knew when and how to take my children; you knew how to make me lower my guard so you could send your men upon us and steal my children from me. You were our friend! You knew almost everything about us! We trusted you!"

He swallowed. "I feel honoured."

But she ignored him. "And what did you do with that trust!? You used it to get at us; to take my children away from their family into one of the most dangerous places they could ever go. You stole them and transported them directly into the arms of Fire! I know you did!"

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