Chapter 27: Talk Of The Queen

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Fire Council Capital

The Fire Lord glided across the floor, stepping swiftly and smoothly into the room. Once the door had closed behind him, he turned to Lord Delro. "What is it?"

Delro sighed and started. "I'm sorry I have to bring this up, but Lord Laros brought this issue up with me again today. It's about the position of Fire Queen. You need to choose a queen, you must! The council and the whole of Fire won't recognise you as a true Fire Lord until you choose a queen from the suitors.

"It's usurping your reign. The respect shown from the people, and especially the Royal and High Nobles, is diminishing each day, and will continue to do until you have chosen a queen." He paused. "I really cannot emphasise enough your need to choose a queen, and fast."

Svorn, by this time, had turned away and crouched over on the floor, clutching his head. "Delro, you know as well as I how hard it is to choose someone." He looked up at Lord Delro. "You know I don't want to choose, you know that I believe one should marry for love and not for the sake of pleasing his kingdom. You know all this, so why are you speaking about this to me again?"

Lord Delro walked over to him and knelt decide him. "Svorn... it's not just the rest of the council that are saying this anymore, it's me too. Your father was married by your age to the strongest Royal Noble family in the kingdom. He didn't complain about having to marry, he never did. It doesn't matter if you love the person you marry or not. Just..."

He sighed again. "Just get married to someone, have a few children, and then you can do whatever you want after that. You can divorce them, find another lover, kill them if you want. It doesn't matter, so long as you get married."

Svorn closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. "But what if I'm already in love with someone who's not a Royal Noble?"

Lord Delro smiled softly. "Then you can have them as a lover after you get married to a Royal Noble. It's really not that difficult."

Svorn sat down and placed his head in his hands. Silence.

"Well," Delro continued. "I have a few more suitors to consider." He then spoke in a way meant to cut Svorn off if he started to protest, but Svorn didn't make a sound. He sat silent and solemn.

"Now, now. I know you've already rejected a huge amount, but just consider these options: there several beautiful young ladies in the North that are quite powerful with strong family lines. There is also Lord Nargh's and Lord Tenebre's nieces – now I know you already said no to them, but just consider it again." He paused.

"However, I think I have just come across the perfect candidate for the Fire Queen. She's exceptionally powerful, extremely polite and her beauty is unparalleled. She is, in fact, Lord Endis' niece."

Svorn looked up at Delro. "Lord Endis is a Royal Nobel?"

Delro frowned. "Yes. I surprised you didn't know. Of course, his family would be considered or Royalty – they're probably the most powerful in the land, after yours of course." He wound his hands together and looked at Svorn. "He also owns an incredible army. It's huge, however not as big as Nargh's – but yet again, that's to be expected as it's entirely made up of assassins and the like."

Svorn's eyes widened. "What? How come I didn't know about this?"

"I thought you did know. Lord Frelrick, although he is a high Nobel, is the leader of the assassins and therefore works under Lord Endis. However, Endis treats him as an equal. This was the reason Lord Frelrick wasn't taken off the council."

He shrugged. "Anyway, back to the business concerning the Fire Queen: I have already organised a meeting with Lord Endis' niece, and you are required to come." He narrowed his eyes at Svorn. "You MUST come, Svorn. There is no skipping this meeting like you usually do, this takes priority. I will come and drag you there myself, if that's what it takes."

Svorn smiled mischievously. "Was that a threat I heard?"

Lord Delro smiled back at him. "Oh, yes. It was. So, you better be there."

Anyone else would have earned a thrashing from the Fire Lord then and there, but Delro, being a close friend to the Fire Lord family, always escaped harm.

Svorn stood up, and walked out of the room, elegant as always. He turned before he left. "Nice talk. We'll catch up next time, when I'm not so busy."

Lord Delro got up and stared at him, a blank expression on his face. "And when are you not 'so busy'?"

The Fire Lord turned and left, raising his hand in farewell. "Never."

He walked down the familiar hallway, following the path that so many had marked out before him. As each golden door passed on the way to the front gates of the enormous building, the Fire Lord became more and more impatient to be out of this horrifying building and out into the brilliant sun and air of the outside.

As he reached the front doors, a guard came running up to him, a letter in hand.

The guard bowed and offered him the letter. "This was found on the front steps to be delivered to you. At first, we were going to burn it, as we thought it wasn't important, just another letter from the general population, however a phoenix circled the letter and stopped anyone from destroying it. We have no idea who it's from, and we didn't read any of it, but the phoenix wrote the words-"

The Fire Lord raised a hand, cutting the man off. "That's enough."

The guard bowed and ran off, probably to do some other job.

The Fire Lord slipped open the piece of paper and read the contents. His lips raised up slightly in the corners as an evil happiness took over his face. He dropped the piece of paper on the ground and walked away, leaving it long behind him.


The tip for the council meeting was very helpful. I wish I could have seen the look on my father's face – I'm sure it was spectacular. I hope it livened up your day. I hope it gave you a thrill. More thrills are coming. When do you want the next one? See you shortly. Looking forward to it.


As the Fire Lord strode off into the distance, a phoenix leapt out of the paper, consuming it whole. Soon all that was left, were sparks. And then, even they were gone.

The Fire Lord chuckled. A trade mark of Khixal. Oh, I can't wait to see him again. It's been forever. He looked towards his air transport, the fire surrounding it billowing off the sides in waves. He jumped in, the wind surrounding and filling him. This is going to be fun. 


Hey Guys!

I hope you enjoyed that chapter! It, as I said last time, was originally the second part of the same chapter that I ended up splitting.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Do you like these newer characters? What do you think Khixal will be like? Next time.... the Ice kingdom! We're back to them! Yay! This is the end of this Fire Council section, and the meeting is soon! (Remember that thing? If you need reminding, I suggest going back and reading some of the previous chapters - if you need to know which ones, just ask!) Any questions? Just ask!

Next upload, next week!

*May your flame never freeze, only grow*    ;D

- Sylvia Shadow

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