Chapter 2: Past Life

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Above ground in the Air - Fire Temple - 5 days after Thorn was captured

Footsteps dribbled across the floor exiting as quickly as they had entered. A faint light filled the prison, emanating from the floor and surrounding walls, dripping from the areas outside the prison. Light was becoming a fearful creature. And Thorn was never rid of it.

Days he'd been locked up in this despicable prison.

Of course, it wasn't the holding cell. Oh no, he could put up with that prison for a while, but this prison... This prison was created to torture, to harm, to ruin, to destroy. And so far, it was succeeding relatively well.

Thorn's entire body thumped with a dull pain. Aching pains with occasional stabs... the latter pain was the worst. An indestructible collar was wound round his neck along with chains that grew from them to his hands and feet, and from these came small electric shocks. 

So there'd been pain for the past few days, but... Still, not as much pain as he thought was going to come. 

He hadn't seen the Fire Lord since he'd been chucked in this wretched prison.

He had shouted as he was dragged, struggling, to the prison and chained with the unbreakable collar and chains from neck to wrists to ankles. He'd gritted his teeth and rushed to the front of the prison, crying out as electricity shot throughout his body. 

The Fire Lord, staring at him, had just pressed the button again, before flicking the device he'd used to electrocute his prisoner closed and lowering his hand. And he watched as Thorn gritted his teeth and writhed in agony. 

The inferno in the prison had seemed to laugh at him, enjoying his beaten state. It had licked it's tendrils across the floor towards him and lapped it's sides around the edges, cackling as Thorn flinched away from it.

As Thorn had pushed himself up, muscles rippling, he'd glared at the Fire Lord and the guards that had put him in there, sparks of hatred shooting from his eyes. Before the prison doors slammed shut, leaving Thorn trapped. 

Without a word, the Fire Lord had turned around and stalked away, formal-wear flowing out behind him.

So Thorn slumped on the floor, no longer resisting the futile battle. 

Echoing footsteps filled and passed. Thorn yawned, rolling his shoulders and trying to gain more ease of movement. He waited. He licked his parched lips. He remembered his last meal, a day ago - a servant or guard had brought him a loaf of bread. An entire loaf! Along with some glorious water! His stomach growled. Great.

Footsteps once more echoed throughout the space, but this time they became louder, closer. Thorn jerked his head up, mind racing as his alertness grew.

"Thorn," A voice said, as the figure strode into the room, stopping opposite to Thorn. His clothes were once again formal, shrouding him in an elegant and intimidating light. The Fire Lord opened his mouth, starting again, "Thorn, do I have your attention? I sent the note to Jared and Eliza. Now, if you-"

"What note?" Thorn's confused, tanned face filled the Fire Lord's vision. 

The Fire Lord's head dropped and he sighed, placing his hand on the side of his head in annoyance. "Are you kidding me right now?" A sigh, then, "The ransom note, you idiot. The one that tells them about your situation and what I need."

"Silver? Gold? Why would you need more wealth? You have heaps."

Frustration began to make its way through his words, "No, I don't need wealth. You know what I'm looking for!"

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