Chapter 28: Interesting News

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Ice Kingdom

Silence swept through the space, permeating the air with bitter and uncontrollable shock.

Then, "WHAT?!?!"

Larcens flinched, drawing back and with extreme haste, raised his hands to console Jared. "That's just what I got told from the collectors – that collectors from Fire attacked them by a stream and killed one of the Ice collectors which in turn led to a battle that caused the Ice collectors to retreat and then come back to Ice and when they arrived they –"

Jared smiled, annoyed. "Larcens."

He looked up, innocently. "Yes?"

"Shut up."


Jared sighed, head in hands. "This isn't good... I really wanted to avoid having to speak with him about such a trivial matter as this, but now... ah... what a pain!"

Eliza came forward, placing her hand on his shoulder. "What do you want to do about it?"

He leaned into her hand slightly and looked up. "Well, I'm going to have to converse with the Fire Lord about this. Maybe come to some sort of agreement." He sighed again. "I hope he doesn't start a war from this. I mean, I want to avoid a war in whatever way possible, and something like this could end up –"

Eliza smiled sadly. "Jared, we're about to do something that will most definitely start a war with Fire. I don't think peace is a possibility at the moment."

Jared turned to face her. "Still, I hope for a few more days before all of this came to an end."

She frowned. "All of this?"

Jared turned away without answering her, shielding his eyes from her piercing gaze. For, he could not let her see the sadness looming there. He knew their time together, just she and him, would be coming to a close soon, that it was always coming. But he still mourned their loss – or his loss.

Larcens cleared his throat. "So... what do you want me to do?" He paused. "Like, now. Because I'm bored... and I have nothing to do... so, if you could give me something to do, I would like that."

And just like that, the sober mood was shredded and crushed underneath Larcens' boots. Eliza chuckled.

Jared frowned. "How long have you been doing this job again?"

Larcens smiled, hands clasped behind his back, his shining glasses joining in to the happiness. "Since this morning!"

Jared rolled his eyes and walked past him. "That would explain it."

Eliza started walking past him too, indicating with her head for him to join her. He quickly stepped into place beside her, easily keeping up with her long strides.

"So," she began. "How old are you? 20? 21?"

"19. Well," he corrected himself. "Technically I'm still 18, but I'm 19 in a few weeks so, does it really matter?"

She smiled. "Do you have any hobbies?"

"I like practicing my ability and I like music and drama and the like, but I'm not very good at expressing what I'm trying to say... especially in front of a group of people, so I don't think I could ever make a career out of it."

She nodded. "I think you would get along quite well with my children."

"You have children?!?"

She chuckled again as he hastily drew back and started apologising.

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