Chapter 24: Practice and Training

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Ice Kingdom

The Ice Palace was filled with noise and people. There were collisions and ruckus, but everyone worked on the problem at hand: Eliza's family.

Eliza and Bob were both working on plans for the eventual battle and rescue attempt that was an eventual happening. Jared, however, was taking a break from the work load and, unbeknownst to all he was working with, had taken off to one of his 'secret' practicing places.

He was determined to join in the upcoming battle and 'impress Eliza', so he was practicing with his ability, strengthening it so that he may have a chance against the Fire Lord.

The cave he was in was filled with dark stones and crystal to reflect light as well as a small lake in the centre. Jared had created different obstacles and a flame thrower, so that he could practice in a situation close to that he would face in battle.

He cast his hand out from him and whipped it up to the roof, creating a huge ice wall that caved circular around him to protect from any attack above him as well as in front of him. The ice was sheer and smooth, and clear showing reflections from the objects surrounding him.

He created an ice sword and whirled around, throwing strikes at the wall ahead of him. Each blow glanced off and after a while the blade smashed into thousands of pieces, however this didn't affect Jared's movements as he continued to throw ice into the sword, creating and recreating the sword continuously.

Whilst doing this, he threw a storm of ice to the side of him. Out of it, he grew a monster to attack him. He could not animate the ice, as that wasn't his gift, but he was able to make it move towards him and attack him from the side.

He spun in a circle, thrusting out a storm of spears from all directions, before leaping up a wall, using ice to propel him up, and hit the roof with a blast of ice so great that all rock and crystal were enveloped in his beautiful ability.

A boulder of ice crystal formed in his hand and, as he pushed off the ceiling and slammed into the ground, he slammed the ice as well, making all ice the cave burst into shards, cutting into all around them. He quickly covered himself with a tight ice shield that he pushed away from him when the ice had finished its hurricane of hurt.

He touched his stomach and ice began to reform, spreading out until it coated him in a suit of armour so thin, yet so strong that none could break through.

After that was done, he turned toward the lake and started freezing it. His eyes were closed in concentration and his hand was out before him, straining for the massive amount of water about to be turned to ice. It started from the bottom up and the water bubbled and spewed as the ice formed underneath it, for Jared could not freeze objects himself, but he could create a layer of ice below the lake that was cold enough to start the freezing process for him.

His face strained and strained, until he finally opened his eyes and dared to look. The water was partially frozen and all of ice had a layer of frost over the top of it, but the ice created wasn't strong enough to have any weight on it.

Jared huffed, annoyed, and gave up altogether. He thrust out his hand, creating ice leading from one shore line to the other and started walking on his created ice.

He created ice shards above him and dove to the side as they crashed down on where he would have been. At the same time, he shot out an icy knife which hit a target, and created a small shield above him, which caught one of the ice shards that he missed.

He whipped his feet around, making a slide-type-thing, before flinging himself off it and flipping in the air. Time slowed down as he came down for a perfect landing. His feet touched down as he formed ice knives that ran up his arms and formed points out from his elbow.

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