Chapter 54: Geoira's Messages - II

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Fire: Central Northern State

-----------------END OF PART 1 

Pace quickening, Geoira headed out of the tent, jogging towards the side of the camp towards the transports. She whipped past the guards and soldiers, running up the open doors and lengthy lane, and sprinting to the front of the air transport. Noticing her arrival, the captain of the ship rose up from where he was lounging and reading, awaiting her orders.

So, she gave them. "Bring me to the Eastern State Base and drop me on Lord Endis' platform. I've got a letter from him with his seal on it, but you're going to need to bring out the flight border-port, is that alright?"

The captain smiled. "Of course, miss. I always carry it on me. Any stops?"

She shook her head. "None." Her eyes skimmed down her clothes as she scrutinised them. "Oh, also, do you have anything to change into on here? We are heading to a state filled with assassins, and these pants aren't exactly the easiest to move around in... or the dress code..."

He indicated towards a side hall in the vessel, "Just down that hallway, make a right turn and it's on the second left." Then, realising the imperative speed at which they need to leave, he jogged off to inform the rest of the crew his soon departure and headed to the front to start up the engines.

--------------------- START OF PART 2

Meanwhile, Geoira had followed the captain's instructions, patiently scanned the room for clothes and was now holding up two options of which she was concernedly trying to choose from.

"Hmm," she mumbled, thoughts ricocheting around her head. Usually when meeting with one of the lord's I should wear a dress... But I don't really want to wear a dress... She stared at the second option: a two-piece combat suit. I mean, I'm not supposed to wear battle gear in a formal meeting... Wait, it is a state with a large assassin focus, so maybe they won't mind...? Placing down the dress, she fingered the suit. Endis would be fine with it, wouldn't he? A sudden jerk as she threw the suit beside her and started peeling off her clothes. Oh, stuff it! They'll have to deal with it, I'm not wearing something uncomfortable for the sake of a stupid meeting!


She nodded. Another nod. And then another.

A loud growl echoed from the small, scaly bird in front of her as the message it carried ended. Its elongated wings flapped several times as it attempted to keep its small body at her eye level, patiently awaiting her reply.

Reaching her hand up, she pulled her fingers through her hair in long, jerking movements, unaware of her thinking gesture and unconcerned with the twist of her mouth as her thoughts tumbled around her. "Ah... Tell Endis I should be there shortly; but right after that, I want you to inform the Fire Lord that everything has been taken care of, he has no need to fret about the Northern State any longer."

The small bird croaked another growl before gravelly words forced their way out in a gurgle of sound. "Understood, commander. I'm actually on the Eastern State at the moment, so giving Endis the message should be quite quick. However, after I cross out of the Eastern and Central Eastern States, it will take me a couple of days to cross into the Fire Capital due to the absence of Peti-Messenger Beasts."

Her lips lifted into a knowing smile. "Oh yes, I forgot. Are any other states apart from the Eastern States beginning to pick up on the idea of these things?" She indicated towards the strange, small bird in front of her.

"The Peti-Messengers?"


"Ah..." The voice came through slightly disjointed as a muffled noise filled with fragments of chatter joined it. Slowly, the voice's clarity returned and attention was once again solely focused on the commander. "Not as far as I'm aware. Lord Endis doesn't want his army's invention to leave the two Eastern States as of yet. He recently publicly stated that he wished to keep firm control of his aces so they 'don't dwell in the hands of those who would misuse them'."

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