Chapter 46: Rescue Past the Ice

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Ice Kingdom

Bob clicked his tongue, clutching his hands together and cracking his knuckles. The ice surrounding him, sealing him in, stared back at him with judging eyes, slowly creeping towards him. But he ignored it. For, he knew what he needed to do.

The calculations already certified within his mind; his hands closed over themselves as they were placed in a cocooning position over his mouth. His lips manoeuvred to one side, his jaw dislocating, his tongue curling in on itself as his sucked a multitude of air into his diaphragm and lungs, expanding them profusely. Building the pressure inside him, he readied his throat for the pain about to follow.

A large gust of air accompanied by a ringing sound shot through the air like an arrow, piercing the wall and echoing around the palace. Its high-pitched screech carried throughout the Ice Kingdom, notifying the ears of each residents to its presence. People clutched their ears, bent over in pain as the sound wafted.

The ice encapsulating Bob broke all at once, shattering to millions on the ground, allowing a split-second escape plan. However, that wasn't his objective. Luckily, as ice quickly knifed through the walls, once again trapping Bob inside the room.

No, Bob's objective was something far greater. And as he climbed back onto the bed, sitting upright, cross-legged and alert, he waited for the voice soon coming.

Time passed, an hour, two... and still he waited, silently, patiently.

Then, finally, a voice chirped from outside the glassy ice. "Hello? Bob, are you in there?"

Bob smiled; he knew it. "Yes," he cried. "I've been locked up by an idiot that seems to have deserted you too."

There was one person, he knew, that Jared would never bring, no matter how powerful there were. One person he would do anything to keep safe. Because he was completely, irreversibly in love with that person.

A figure emerged from behind the ice, just a shroud. A light broke through the perfect ice, forming holes before spreading outwards. Water began its slow drip down the ice, flowing down in waves as two beautiful hands became visible. Then fingers shot through the ice, pointing towards him, the gap widening until the figure stepped gracefully into the 'comfortable' cell.

"Well, well... it appears I wasn't the only one Jared left behind when tragedizing off to who knows where."

Bob smiled, "Nice to see you too, Eliza."

Eliza grimaced, her eyes flicking around the room. She crinkled up her nose, "Why does it smell so bad?"

A bright red face looked back at her. "Ah... Well... I was left in here for quite a few days... without any toilet or shower or anything... so..."

Eliza sniffed. "Yeah, I can certainly tell. Why did Jared lock you up in this place?"

Bob shrugged, getting up and brushing himself off. "He's being an idiot and going to the Criminal Corps to attempt to unite Ice. I never would have agreed or wanted him to go or anything, so he locked me in here. Presumably, he also didn't want anyone from Ice targeting me because of him. I mean, there are traitors within the kingdom."

"I see..." Eliza looked around her before focusing back on Bob and indicating behind her. "No point staying in here, let's go. I have a place near here I can get to so you can clean up. Then we can talk."

Bob nodded, following her outside the room. "Good idea."

As he walked past, he noticed a few bodies lying on the ground, still and lifeless. Eyes scanning them, his brain registered the slight rises and falls of their breathing and the blood pulsing through them. They were alive.

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